Reward, Coercive and Legitimate Power

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We'll start with the reward power and says that reward power occurs when one person is able to influence others by providing them with positive outcomes. For example, bosses have a reward power over employees because they're able to increase employee salary and job benefits in theaters have reward power over students because they can assign students high marks. And the very few rewards that can be used by the powerful is almost endless, and includes verbal praise or approval, the awarding of status or prestige, and even direct financial payment. The ability to wield or reward power over those we want to influence is contingent on the needs of the person being influenced. Power is greater when the person being influenced has a strong desire to obtain the reward and power is weaker. When the individual doesn't need the reward.

A boss will have power, more power or incentive Once on an employee who has no other job prospects, then on one who is being sought after by other corporations and expensive present will be more effective in persuading those who cannot buy the items with their own money. Because the change in behavior that results from reward power is driven by the reward itself, its use is usually more likely to produce public compliance than private acceptance. Then we have currency power, which is the power that is based on the ability to create a negative outcomes for others, for instance, by bullying, intimidating or otherwise punishing bosses have corsi power over employees if they are able and willing to punish employees by reducing their salary. demoting them to a lower position, embarrassing them or hiring them, and friends can chorus each other through teasing humiliation and ostracism. People who are punished too much are likely to look for other situations that provide more positive outcomes.

In many cases, power holders use reward and currency power at the same time, for instance, by both increasing salaries as a result of positive performance, but also threatening to use them if the performance drops. Because the use of coercion can start can have such negative consequences, authorities are generally more likely to use reward. Than course the power, of course, is usually more difficult to use, since it often requires energy to keep the person from avoiding the punishment by leaving the situation all together. And of course, the follower is less desirable for both of the power cooler in the person being influenced, because it creates a negative environment of negative feelings and distrust and is likely to make interactions difficult on their mind satisfaction in lead to retaliation against the power holder. As with reward power, of course, the power is more likely to produce public compliance than private acceptance.

Furthermore, in both cases, The effective use of the power requires that if our holder continually monitored the behavior of the target to be sure that he or she is complying. This monitoring may help lead to a sense of mistrust between the two individuals in the relationship. The power holder feels perhaps unjustly that the target is only complying due to the monitoring. We're at the thought it feels again, perhaps unjustly, that to the power holder doesn't trust him or her and legitimate power, whereas a reward and coercive power are likely to produce the desired behavior. Other types of power which are not so highly populous around reward and punishment are more likely to create changes in attitudes, as well as behavior in many ways, then these sources of power are stronger because they produce a real belief change. illegitimate power is power vested in those who are appointed or elected to positions of authority, such as teachers, politicians.

Police officers and judges in their power is successful because members of the group accepted is appropriate. We accept that government can leave taxes in the judges can decide the outcomes of court cases because we see in these groups and individuals as well as parts of our society, individuals with legitimate power can exert substantial influence on their followers. Those with legitimate power may not only create changes in the behavior of fathers, but also have the power to create and change the social norms of the group. In some cases, legitimate power is given to the authority figure as the result of laws or elections, or as part of the norms, traditions and values of the society. The power that experiment there had over the research participants in your study on obedience seems to have been primarily a result of his legitimate power as a respected scientist as an important University.

In other cases, legitimate power comes more informally as a result of being respected group members. People who contribute to the group process and follow group norms gain status within the group and therefore earn legitimate power. In some cases, legitimate power can even be used successfully by those who do not seem to have much power. After Hurricane Katrina heated the city of New Orleans in 2005, the people there demanded that the United States federal government help them rebuild the city. Although these people didn't have marching word or chorus II thought were they were nevertheless perceived as good and respected citizens of the United States. Many US citizens tend to believe that people who do not have as much as others, for instance, those who aren't very poor should be treated fairly and that these people may legitimately demand resources from those who have more.

This might not always work, but to the extent that it does, it represents a type of legitimate power word that comes from a belief in the appropriateness or uplift To respond to the request the father's with a legitimate standing

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