Hey guys, and welcome back to the low poly 3d Mini planets tutorial. So in the last lesson, we learned how to create these low poly mountains. And in this lesson we're going to learn how to call them in. So the way that we call these in is exactly the same way as how we call it in the the green and the blue for the earth and the water spheres. But this time, we're going to actually select the polygons that we want to color and then add the materials that we want. So the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to color in the, the edges of, of the, of the water here.
So I'm going to create a new material for this. Double click on the material, click Select and stuff and I'm going to select a nice sorts of bright yellow color for this one. Once you've got your, your material selected, or Once you've created your material, all we need to do now is go zoom in, I'm going to try and select the polygons that wants to color and now you can see that my selection tool is too big to select these small polygons here. Now the way that I can remedy this is by clicking and holding on to the mouse button or the middle mouse button, and then just sort of moving the mouse up and down like like this. So you can make the selection bigger or smaller like that. So I've made my selection really small now, so it's easy to select the polygons that I want.
So I'm just going to go around my globe like this. Select selecting the sides of the river looks Just going around, selecting all the sides. And then once you've completed that, all you need to do now is to drag that material onto your selection exactly the same way as what we did before. And now you can do the same with the bottom side. So again, just selecting, holding Shift and going around the entire planet. Just going to quickly try and do this.
So you can see how I've done the selection. So I'm just sort of clicking the polygons to select them like so. And then Click drag the material onto your selection. And now you can see that it's been colored in. So now I've got a nice yellow color for the inside of the earth. And now we're going to do the same with our mountains.
So I'm going to duplicate this yellow material and I'm going to create a new color for the mountains. So something like this. And then all I'm going to do here is I'm going to select exactly the same way as what we did before. I'm going to make a bigger selection now. So I'm going to select the mountains like so. I'm going to deselect the tip of the mountain here because I'm going to make a different color for that for the video, To the mountain, you want to select it.
So being careful not to select any unwanted polygons. And now all I'm going to do is drag that material onto the selection like that. And there you go. Now I've got the selected part of my mountain in this sort of red color here. Now for the tip of the mountain, I'm going to want to make that white. So duplicate that material.
I'm going to make a nice white material here like that. Select holding Shift, and clicking to select that tip. Now dragging that white material onto the tip of the mountains like that. Awesome. So now you know how to do it. A selection for us to select the colors.
I'm going to go ahead and start coloring in the parts of the the hair, just the just the floor to make it a little bit more interesting. So let's select these parts here. And then going around the back of the sphere just in case you want to showcase the back of the sphere as well carry like this. Might as well select this one as well. And now I'm going to color that in Fact No, let's, let's do yellow color. Whoops.
Now, unfortunately, I still had the tips of the mountain selected when I slept on the floor, but I can easily get rid of that by holding CTRL on the keyboard and D selecting the tips like that. Now I'm going to drag my yellow material in. So now just colored the floor here like so. And now I'm going to do the same with the bottom part of my, my space. I'm just going to select what I want to call it in. Just like that.
And I'm going to drag the white material onto the sphere here. Like so. So there you go. That's how you do selective coloring for your mini sphere. In the next lesson, I'm going to go through how to create mini trees for our 3d straight up for our 3d planet. See you guys there.