Okay, we can use the naive Bayes algorithm in this item. So for right now, we need to import SK learn dot Naive Bayes and then I bodies are caution and b cross some portion of the library. So he let's say, we want to do some test clustering, our text classification, we may need to import mattino via envy. For these numerical data will involve caution and MB Okay, so after we import a base library we can create a model using something like this border equal cost can be okay then mod dot v and train s train and y train we can do a prediction using something that is prediction equals model dot predict 10 s test okay then I will print my prediction. Okay Don't know that I have changed this to minus one and these two four so minus one. So in my data set minus one minute data first four variables and four means t to 01234 figure by here so I can run the Python code here okay Gaussian amb It saw error okay causation Okay.
Hey you as as I can be okay that that may see BK mod A cos and MB Let me see okay. So I get a prediction here it has to be some type of error, so I get a prediction here. So these are the prediction