Hello, and welcome to the sample meditation how to create a positive feeling. This is a very important part of the session, because now you've taken your client or your audience through releasing some type of emotion from the past perhaps it was fear, anxiety or some type of sadness. And now you're gonna replace it with something better and to do some real healing work. So here's how it goes. Go ahead and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and start to relax.
And I'd like you to imagine that you've just gone through a healing session. A deep meditation where you've released some emotion from the past is anger Some type of anxiety or sadness. And as you continue to breathe, and to relax there's something that's going to enter the meditation that's just outside of your awareness. And I'd like you to pay close attention to now is that sensation or feeling begins to enter your awareness and what it is it's an incredible feeling of deep and profound healing. It may feel like a tingling sensation or wanting to For some kind of movement or maybe it's just a deep feeling of peace or whatever it is. I'd like to become aware of it now.
And to pay very close attention to where you feel it in your body as you continue to breathe, and to relax. I would like you to allow this sensation to grow to expand To enter every cell of your body is incredible and positive healing sensation as you continue to experience the sensation I want you to realize that the feeling presence is becoming one with the fabric of your being. And it goes with you from this day forward, to improve to enhance every aspect of your life. to just continue to breathe and to relax and to experience the sensation