Hello, and welcome to the lecture on our next technique of guides and guardian angels. Now, when I first started doing this quite a long time ago, I kind of poo pooed the idea of guardian angels and said, yeah, whatever you know, but after taking a lot of people through this particular meditation, I realized how profound and actually maybe real it can be so, so the uses for, for internal guides, and for guardian angels, it's, it's really to help people feel a sense of security, a sense of that they're not alone, a sense that they're, there's a helper for them, you know, it's very reassuring. And this can be very profound when you're working on someone in deep meditation. So commonly what I do with this one is I will piggyback the guides on another technique that I'm already using, so you can call in a guide at any time during your meditation can be at the beginning when you're in the lighter, the deeply relaxed state, it could be right when you're starting the session or at the end whenever you feel it's most appropriate.
But when someone is in a deeply relaxed state and they feel the presence of a guide or an ancestor or someone from the other side, it can be deeply reassuring and highly effective and helping people heal. So here's how you do it. You take your, your audience into a deeply relaxed state, and you simply have them imagine or call up a guide someone who is there to support them, someone who knows everything about them, someone who is just filled with unconditional love, and it's there to guide them and protect them, no matter what happens in their lives. And that can be really deeply reassuring. So again, scripts in the summaries, a sample meditation to come and and feel free to use this one and you know, you might also might want to ask people if they believe in guardian angels and things like that, and if they do, you really want to bring one in so they can be extra help for You and during a healing session.
So I will see you at the sample meditation very shortly so see you there next