Hello, welcome to the next lecture on ending a meditation. So ending a meditation is very easy, but it's also very important because it, it adds clarity to what you've been doing, because definition to the end of the session, but also, it's very important because when you finish your audience is still going to be in a trance or a meditative state. So you want to make sure they come back into their bodies back into the physical world before they leave and go out and engage in the world or do something like driving a car. And right now I'll take you through just a little sample one that I use quite frequently. So go ahead and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax.
And I'd like you to imagine that we've just gone through a meditation gone through the light relaxation The deeper relaxation we found a starting point. We've used the technique. Perhaps we've created a good feeling at the end. And now we're ready to end the meditation. So as you continue to breathe, and to relax, I'd like you to call yourself back into your body. Become aware of your physical surroundings.
Can wiggle your fingers and your toes. Take a deep breath. Be aware of the clothes on your body. Perhaps the circulation in your body and when you're ready, and you can take your time there's absolutely No hurry when you feel like you're finished and you feel like you've had enough and slowly open your eyes and gently drift back in conscious world