Now I would like to share with you my five best advice on how you can put yourself in the great state before approaching people. And most people think that it's only when you approach people that interaction starts, but actually, it's also before. So every time before I have to go to a social place, I would do these five things. The first one would be about positive anticipation. It means that I would imagine that the direction we go with, I will be excited about the events and about the interaction. It means that I will just close my eyes.
And for a few seconds, I will just imagine me approaching people, and I will imagine it going well. I would be really excited. I would say, oh, but what if I meet an amazing girl or an amazing boyfriend or girlfriend? What if I make a new friend? What if I find a new client? What if I find a new husband there?
What do you If I find my new wife, or what if I just have a great time with someone, or what if I just enjoy my time there, and I will be really excited about it. And you can see, as I'm doing that, I did that so many times that I'm being really excited about an event that doesn't exist. So you can also have this expectation, you know, like is just about have this positive anticipation. And they would like you to visualize it going well, don't visualize it going poorly, or badly. Will you really want to show your brain that there are higher chances of going well, the second advice is about the posture. The posture that you have, will impact your energy level.
So every time before going to a place, I will open my chest, put my shoulders back, and that will just you know, like just imagine that I'm highly confident that I I am Superman that I am the master of the word. I will just do it just for fun. I give myself permission to dress because confident. So I do this positive anticipation. And then I have the great posture. And this posture here, I will keep when I go to this networking event or to the social place, I will always have the confident posture.
Okay, so it's important. The the other points that I will do is that I will ask myself, why am I awesome? And then we'd write down five points, or even though we just see them in my head. So before going to a place if I am in a taxi or driving and say, why am I awesome? I am I'm awesome because I have created value to give to people. I'm awesome because now I have my best suit.
I'm awesome. Because I can I will make other people have a great time. I'm awesome, because I'm friendly and open minded and I will just, you know, just value myself a little bit more. Because if you want to become a confident and put yourself in a great state before approaching people it's important that To value yourself more so by asking this question, why am I awesome? When you are driving by your UI in the bus or when you are just going to the place you will see that it will boost your energy level and make you a more open and positive pairs. So the first one is about music and moving.
Have you ever noticed when there was your favorite music on the radio? How did you feel? Did you feel exciting? Like Did you want it to move or where you Oh my god, there is my music. Now you wanted to move you wanted to engage your body you wanted to think to do something and I encourage you to do that. Just play the best music that that you have or the music that you like and listen to it before going to associate.
It will put you in a great mood in a great mood. You can also dance For example, if you're home and nobody's watching dance, do something. And you will see that people will really be attracted to your social energy. And also it's about breathing. So my last advice is about breathing. I would like you to breathe deeply.
It means that before going to the place, I will be inhaling by the nose and exhaling by the mouth. I will do that between three and five times. So you don't move the shoulders you inhale by the nose, except by the mouse, and you really want your belly to take the air in and push the air out. And you did that between three and five times and you will see that you will become more at ease and you will be in a great state before approaching people