Should you force things or let it happen naturally, always let it happen naturally, don't try to force things. So as you have noticed, I'm not giving you exactly what you say, I'm giving you a framework, so that you are able to know what to do. But you don't have to force it. So it means that when you will approach someone, and you see that it's not the right time to exchange contact information, or that you still haven't connected enough with that with that person, try to spend more time connecting before asking for the number or exchanging contact information. I would like you to trust your intuition. When you are interacting with people trust your intuition.
If you if you see that you could go faster or you could go slower, or you need to talk more to the other person before they become your friends. Or you need to do something else. trust your intuition, but don't force it. The worst that could happen. The worst that would happen is it's been that you would approach someone and just ask a few questions, try to find one commonality and then say you are my friend. Now, it doesn't happen like that sadly, but the more time you spend with the person and the more relationship you can build, the more commonalities you can find.
The more energy you exchange with the other person, the easier it will be to have a friend. So never for things just let it happen naturally.