The question that I get all the time is, should I text before the meetup? They say that you will meet a friend, a new friend, should you text the person before? I always do that? And the reason is why maybe most people, maybe some people won't be really comfortable. Or they will say, Did I really like this person? Like, should I really go, there will be a lot of uncertainty.
So if you text for example, just before the meetup, it's something that is really, really great. And you can just reinitiate the conversation and then ask if it's still okay to meet at 6pm at that place, because it will make you save time, because some people will cancel or some people won't want to come to the appointment. So it's, it doesn't cost anything to just reinitiate that that interaction, just the night before and just ask if it's still good for tomorrow. 6pm something that also i do is after that I met someone, I will immediately after that. I get Numbers, I will just text them and I will just write a small sentence. Such as, hey, it's Alan, it was nice meeting you, oh, hey, it's Alan, I really had a great time, or something like that something really light, you know what I mean?
But just to start this interaction, like to continue this interaction, because you interacted with the person in real life. And then you left so you have to continue the interaction. And you can do that through text, or through Facebook. I will explain in the next video how, but he I just wanted to show you that after the interaction immediately after you should send the text and something such as Hi, it's Alan. It was nice meeting you. I had a great time and then a smile.
And that's it. And before the meetup, I always encourage you to text