This Music and Movement module is integrated with the Risk and Resilience Programme for Schools and relates to the educational book Mr. Goose - Risk and Reward, and the musical journey of Mr. Goose and his friends.
The characters in the book's behaviors have been translated to music with each character having their own song reflecting their personality. Composed by Craig Espie of Scottish folk-rock band Skerryvore, and featuring some of Scotland’s finest traditional musicians, the music forms the basis of these workshops which allow teachers to explore the music to discuss emotions, varying styles of music, instrumentation, dance, and movement, with an emphasis on creativity and musical understanding.
Through music, learners have rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. Performing and creating music will be prominent activities for all learners. Through these activities, they develop their vocal and instrumental skills, explore sounds and musical concepts, and use their imagination and skills to create musical ideas and compositions. They can further develop their understanding and capacity to enjoy music by listening to musical performances and commenting on them.
The workshop aims at Teachers/Parents
It is our aim that the following workshops will cover some of the key aspects for developing a better understanding of music, focusing on the different instrumentation and melodic styles familiar with Scottish traditional music. Many of the exercises are aligned to the Experiences and Outcomes aligned to the Curriculum for Excellence, and workshops are designed to be utilized across the different levels of the curriculum for excellence from early through to fourth and can be altered to suit the relevant level.
The workshops will focus on exploring sound, developing awareness of beat and rhythm, developing awareness of different musical styles and cultures, and providing child-led opportunities for learners to explore and be creative with sound through a range of activities linked to the story and accompanying music of Mr. Goose.
The workshops are primarily aimed at early and first levels, however, there is scope within each workshop for additional learning in later years.
Experiences and Outcomes
Below is a summary of the various Experiences and Outcomes which will be covered.
The Movement section builds from the previous modules and uses music to support creative physical education and dance, traditional dance, yoga, games, and problem-solving.
Experiences and Outcomes
All of the experiences and outcomes from this Movement module are built from the first risk and resilience workshop that follows the story of Mr. Goose and his adventures.
The overall outcomes of the entire Mr. Goose risk and resilience program are to build confidence in teachers and children to understand their own risk intelligence to add and protect value to themselves and those around them and become ever more resilient to able to absorb and adapt to change.
We believe movement is a key part of their evolution and the following modules are designed to give teachers various learning experiences to pick from all with different movement aspects to them.
Everyone with the responsibility for working and developing young people whether in schools or alternative learning environments can use every one of our suggested sessions to positively maximize the well-being and resilience of the individual children, their peers, and the wider learning community to ensure they always feel Safe, Secure Resiliently.
This Movement workshop is split into four workshops: Positive energy flow, Yoga, Dance Teamwork and problem-solving,