I welcome to week eight. You've now completed your second month in the music coach program and I want to congratulate you, you've laid down a lot of great track to roll your musical experience along. Today, we're going to be putting together all of what we've done so far in the program, and expanding a little more on improvising. So this week in the practice video, you're going to be playing the melodies and the bass parts for the A section and the B section. And the click track is not going to stop in between this time. So you're going to have to anticipate and remember what's coming up next.
These are all really important skills when it comes to playing with other musicians. because music is always flowing and moving once you're playing. There's not really time to stop and start. So The experience of being able to think about what's coming next am I playing the melody next? am I playing the chords next? Am I soloing next is a skill unto itself.
We're going to also add this week on the improvising side is even more development and sophistication. And what I want you to think about is that improvising is really your chance to express your feelings purely through sound. So beyond the notes themselves, you can start to think about the direction of the lines that you're playing when you're improvising in terms of whether you're starting low and going high, or going high and coming back down low, or jumping in patterns, which we're going to start learning in the next video. And also introducing the idea of dynamics, which is a basically a fancy musical term for volume. Now because you play a saxophone, you have the ability to do something special that not every instrument can do, which is you can start a note quiet and make it louder, or start louder and make it quieter, you have a lot of control over the sound that you make.
So when you start working more on your improvising and the practice videos, really try that out and make different kinds of sounds and explore and experiment. Alright, great work. I'll see you in the practice videos.