Hi, welcome back. This is week 10 of tenor saxophone lessons in the music coach program. This week, you can be learning your second skill pattern for this program. This scale pattern is similar to the one in thirds, but it's more of a stepwise pattern. So we're going to go up four notes, and then back to the second note of the scale. So for example, we're going to begin on a, we're gonna play A, B, C sharp, D, and then we're going to go back to B, and then the pattern continues on so we're going up four steps, and then back to the next note, and then up four steps, we're kind of stepping like this in a pattern going up.
So I'm going to say the notes as we go. A, B, C sharp, D, B, C sharp, D, A, C sharp, D, E, F sharp, D, E, F sharp, G sharp, E, F sharp, G sharp, A, F sharp, G sharp, A, G sharp, a. And here's what it sounds like. Now one little note about the G sharp key Is that you can hold it down and play F sharp and it'll close the G sharp key. But I want you to get in the habit of only pushing the G sharp key on when you're actually playing it. This technique will help you become more comfortable, especially if you end up playing the flute or the clarinet, which are very similar to saxophone but don't have this added technology if you will.
Now, the next thing we're gonna be doing is playing the same scale pattern descending starting on the high a, and here are the notes. A, G sharp, F sharp, E, G, sharp, F sharp, E, D, F sharp, A, B, C sharp, D, the C sharp, B, D, C sharp, the A, C sharp R, B, A, B, hey, here's what it sounds like. So with all these scale patterns, just go slowly if you need to always be ready to stop the practice video if you need to, to work on something, and then try it again. And remember to just keep sticking with it and this is going to be a great tool for you to add into your toolbox. I'll see you in the practice video.