Today's sphere of operations is mainly inside corporations. marketing people have their domain engineering their customer surveys will find their way on designers desk and r&d plans reach manufacturing engineers. But usually, managerial functions remain disconnected. They are in silos. They won't talk to each other, producing a costly and demoralizing environment in which product quality and the quality of production process itself suffer. top executives are learning that the use of inter functional teams benefits design.
But if top management could get marketing, designing and manufacturing executives to sit down together, what should these people talk about? How could they Get their meeting off the ground. This is where QFD comes in. Qf D is oriented towards involving a team of people representing the various functional departments that have involvement in product development, such as marketing, design, engineering, quality assurance, manufacturing, test, engineering, finance, product support, etc. Other notable reasons for Q f d to gain prominence we're using QFD. Honda and Toyota reduce the new product cycle time to two and a half to three years compared to the US car makers who were on a cycle time of five years in the late 80s and 90s.
The startup and pre production costs at Toyota auto body in 1984 Implementing Qf T was 60% lesser than in 1977. before implementing QE. Because of Q f d, the design of the car of a Japanese auto manufacturer was essentially frozen before the first car came off the assembly line. While the US company was still revamping months later