Step one, a client expresses a feeling. open ended questions and attentive listening encourage the client to express feelings and concerns. open ended questions invite clients to elaborate and cannot be answered in one or two words. For example, tell me more about your concerns or what worries you about this plan are open ended questions. Do you agree with this plan? is a closed ended question?
Because it can be answered with a simple yes or no. attentive listening means focusing on the client's words and nonverbal cues without being preoccupied by formulating a response, while using body language to demonstrate interest. icontact will convey your attentive listening and improve the likelihood of detecting emotional distress through observation of nonverbal cues. guiding responses encourage clients to continue speaking, including neutral statements such as, uh huh. I see and go on, as well as repeating or rephrasing client statements. Silence can also be an effective response, especially when accompanied by attentive body language during the beginning of your interaction.
Silence and neutral guiding phrases are less likely to cause interruption than repetition or rephrasing.