In the control phase, we ensure that the problem stays fixed. We will implement the solutions and sustain the gains. We will start with step 13. institutionalize the solutions. In this step, we work towards answering the following questions. What is the plan to implement the solutions? Who is doing what?
How will you track Process Performance? What action will be taken if the problem returns? The tools include standard operating procedures, control plan, control charts, and visual management board. Step 14. replicate and share best practices. In this step, we further answer how will you capture knowledge related to best practices and what makes them effective. How will you connect current practitioners and potential adopters of best practices?
What support will you provide to adopters over time? Step 15. celebrate and recognize success. In this step, we identify the ways and means to share the project results with larger audience. We also showcase and reward individual contributors. We then have the final tollgate meeting with the champion to demonstrate that the team has embedded the solutions realized the agreed benefits and the business is applying continuous improvement.