Dr. W Edwards Deming 1900 to 1993 he obtained a BS from the University of Wyoming, and Ms from the University of Colorado, and a PhD in physics from Yale. Dr. Deming was also considered the father of the third wave of the Industrial Revolution. The first wave of industrial revolution caused the growth of industries such as coal, iron, railroads and textiles. The second wave witnessed the expansion of electricity, petroleum and steel. The third way was attributed to the combination of man and machine. Dr. Deming played a major role in the resurgence of the American automobile industry in the late 1980s.
He also consulted with corporations such as Ford, Toyota Rico Sony, Procter and Gamble, whose businesses were strengthened after adopting his management methods, he published the 14 obligations of top management. They were create a constancy of purpose for improvement of products and services. adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age, sees dependence upon inspection as a way to achieve quality and the practice of awarding business based on price tag. constantly improve the process of planning, production and service. This system includes people Institute training on the job Institute improved supervision, drive out fear, break down barriers between departments.
Eliminate slogans or target's asking for increased productivity without providing methods eliminate numerical quotas, remove barriers that stand between workers and their pride of workmanship. The same for all salaried people, Institute programs for education and retraining, put all emphasis in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. Dr. Deming was also known to promote the PDSA plan, do study act cycle, which is an extended version of the PDCA plan, do check act cycle