So in this video, I want to talk about something called nap, which stands for name, address and phone. One of the biggest things that Google looks at in terms of your business is how consistent your business listings are across the internet. Now, I've ran the tool here, which I'm going to show you a little bit more in depth later on in the course. But what I've done is I've taken an example, business, it's actually a plumbing business, I believe that, you know, they do air conditioning, things like that. And here you can see, I've run this report, and this shows the top 10 directories where, you know, basically we should be listed as a business. So here you can see they're actually missing a lot of business listings on some of these sites.
And then as I go down, there's lots of additional directories that are also very important, you know, such as like the Chamber of Commerce. If you're local in any local city, you know, you really should be on that if you can, and just a lot of these other bigger business directories hot frog is another really big one. Yellow book is fairly big Angie's List a lot of these different sites that you could have, you know, business listing on it even for free. LinkedIn, obviously, we already talked about that Foursquare is another one that's free. I believe MapQuest is free. In fact, I would say about 90% of these, you could probably get a business listing for free.
So really, what's going to happen is Google is going to look at what's consistent with your Google Plus Local profile business name. So if I click on View, I'm actually going to open this this company's business page here you can see the name is indoor air quality medics, so that's the business name that they're looking for all across the internet. If I go back to a place like Yahoo, and I view that listing, they're actually showing their businesses I aq medics, even though to them, you know, it is the same thing. It's just an abbreviated version of their business name. It's not consistent. So Google really doesn't have an easy way.
Way of determining that, you know, is this necessarily the same business, you know, if they have errors in the, you know, anything to do with like the phone number, or anything to do with the address, and it's really going to throw Google off. And in fact, you can even see here, the phone number listed for this business is completely different from the phone number listed on the Google page. They have a 703 number on Google and an 800 number on Yahoo. And then as I move on, you know, it looks like the Yellow Pages example there is good. This tool sometimes doesn't do the best job reporting a lot of cases with Facebook, I find it's not super accurate. So they probably do have a Facebook.
But a lot of these are the directories they couldn't find them at all. I'm going to talk more and more about some of these business listings and some of the importance in upcoming videos but I quickly just wanted to stress this and that this is something that you could be working on on your own by going out there and creating these business listings yourself.