So in this video, I wanted to introduce you to Google for business. simple way to find this is to actually just head over to Google, and type in Google for business. And you're going to see here, there's actually an ad for it. But right in the organic listings, here, you're going to see Google My Business. That's just slash business. And I'm going to take you over to that page, just to kind of give you an idea.
Now, as you remember, earlier, I showed you an example of a few mapless, things that show up when you search for Google, when you're looking at local businesses, this is going to be one of the key places that you're going to be spending a lot of time in the upcoming lectures. And this is a really great place you can get started. If you're a local business, and you're trying to get yourself, you know, more visibility on Google. So what you're going to want to do is head over to this business page. Like I said, slash business. And here they kind of show you a little bit you know, you're going to show up across Google.
Give customers right information about your business, about your business and build lasting relationships with your You know, customers. So they kind of just talk a little bit about that you know how you're showing up on mobile, you can start conversations with people, things like that. And obviously, this is where people are going to be able to leave reviews about your business. And you'll be able to interact with them and just kind of, you know, upload photos and do all these other things that are going to be really relevant for your business. So in the next video, I'm actually going to show you an example of a really good Google Plus page. And then a really bad Google Plus page one that's just completely not filled out and you know, a business that hasn't done anything with their Google Plus business page.
And then in the following videos, I'm actually going to show you how to set this up. I'm just going to demo actually building this out as if I were a new business doing it and one of your goals will be able to go off and do this on your own if you haven't already.