So in this video, I wanted to mention something else that you can actively do. Once you've got your business page all set up, where you're going to want to do is go up to the top right inside of Google and actually make sure that you've got your business page selected. Here, you can see I've got john Shea, but I've switched over to my frozen immediate business page. And this will enable me once I go to this posts area, I can actually share new posts inside of my Google Plus page. And this will be shown to followers or other people that are, you know, within your circles, things like that kind of the social network within Google. So really, what you'd want to do is just post things that are relevant, you know, put up some photos of things that are happening.
Maybe just share something like I could say, working on a new website for a client. And I'll just share that. And in this example, obviously, I didn't add any sort of photo, but generally, you can learn a little bit about Google Plus, and you Just search around the internet if you want to learn a little bit more about posting and some of the things that you could put here, but generally what I see a lot of businesses doing is they'll just share things like photos, and maybe informational tips, new things that are kind of happening in the business. So it's kind of good to get into a practice of being able to use this and just post a little bit every once in a while. I'd also maybe use some things like you can add in hashtags, so maybe I could say, let's see, I could do like web, website design, you know, web design, and maybe tag like my hometown.
Again, here with the M I can't I can't do it. I don't know what it is. My recording software doesn't let me hit em. I think it's a hotkey for something. This is a town next, next over so I can do that, you know, make these some of these tags, things like that. Just wanted to kind of point this out is something you can actively do.