The Foundation of Self Mastery

Entrepreneurship Course How to overcome FEAR as an Entrepreneur
15 minutes
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Welcome to your Entrepreneurship course by Richard Martinez! In this module, you will be given the tools on how to become a better person, leader, or entrepreneur! Richard will teach you how to generate powerful energy and emotions and create a stronger mindset to succeed and win! Most high achievers don't understand this and end up neglecting the things that matter most or setting themselves up for burnout.


Personally, for me personally, the challenge that I had to keep overcoming personal insecurities, fears, fears of failing, failure feels fears of being judged, being rejected. So those are things that I had to overcome. I didn't grow up in a very easy way I had a lot of difficulty. So because that environment that I grew up in, I begin to believe that I'm not good enough and who am I to do something big so for me the biggest things that I had to overcome that I have something important to give because once I figured that out, it gave all the pain in my life, a purpose. When it comes to you know, mastering yourself, you know, becoming a better leader becoming a better entrepreneur, better, better person better manager. It's you have to understand who you are, you have to know what your made up?

How this this powerful machine or body? How does it work? How do we generate emotions? Where do they come from? How to create a stronger mindset? How do we do these things so that we can succeed and win.

That's what I want to share with you right now. You see, we are created a three main parts body, soul, and spirit. And if you want to be a high achiever, high performer, you have to understand these three parts of yourself so that you can become, you know, you can master each area, you can develop each area so that you can live and operate in your highest potential and your highest energy and really just create the future that you want the best future right. So we need to understand these three parts. So this is what I'm gonna explain to you. So you're made up of three parts.

Okay, so I'm gonna do a little design, this is you, and you are three parts. Okay? So this middle, the core of who you are, this is your spirit. That's the essence of who you are right now. This is your So I'll explain what what that is right now. And then you have this outside one which is your buddy, right?

If you want to become a not just become but remain a high achiever high performer, not burnouts not to, you know, where you don't just create a job or our business and the business has you or the job has you, you know, work, you actually have a master a sense of mastery of dominion over your life. You have to understand that you need a development plan for each of these areas so that you can grow in who you are as a person, you're made up of these three parts. So, physically, what is your self development plan? Are you taking care of yourself physically? Because if you want to be a successful leader, it starts with self leadership and are you being healthy? Are you drinking enough water?

Are you exercising? Are you healthy? Because if you're not healthy, you're not going to have a high quality energy to produce the future that you want. So your needs you need to have a plan here. Are you exercising? Are you getting enough fresh air so Shine.

Are you getting enough the right fruits and veggies so that you can get a high energy here? You need to master your body. You need to have some kind of plan for your spirit. Are you building yourself in your spirit? And this means different things for different people. It's not religion.

It's not, you know, you have to do it this way. It's what is strengthening yourself in your spirit. Maybe it is prayer, maybe it is church, maybe it is, you know, meditations. Maybe it is, you know, walking by the beach in nature where you're doing affirmations breathing techniques, you know you're doing there's different things or yoga that builds your spirits. You need to have a plan and do it consistently. This is what you need to do for self mastery, to be a high achiever.

So those two those are those two parts, but I want to focus on this one. So a lot of times people teach body mind, spirit and I teach body soul and spirit. The soul is the mind, emotions and your will. This is your soul. This is super important. If you want to, you know master yourself.

If you need to learn what these are your your mind emotions and will so let's talk about these three now. So mind emotions will your mind is your intellect you know this is your thoughts, your facts, your ideas, you have in a strong mindset belief system that's serving you, your your belief system is in alignment with where you want to go, you have empowering beliefs rather than limiting beliefs like I'm not enough. I'm too old, like those type of things where you beat yourself up with your self talk, right? That's a low quality, you're going to create low quality emotions with that low quality mindset. Right? So then you have your emotions, this is the energy that you're creating this coming from the thoughts and the perspective that you have about what you're experiencing at that time.

Now your will, this is your power. This is your power to choose to decide. Nobody could make you do anything. Nobody can control you. It's you deciding to do what you want to do. So this is what you're made up of the three parts body, soul and spirit.

Your soul is really really amazing. And this is why if you are going through life and you have pains, people hurting you people betraying you people lying to cheating on you, cheating, you know because of you or betraying you like stealing from you. There's so many different things that people do right? produced appreciate sometimes, and it hurts you. Or maybe they do it to somebody that you love those things, they mark us in our soul, they mark us in our mind and how we're looking at that person about that whole situation, it makes a mark in us and it creates a certain type of emotional state and it affects our decision making. So think about this.

So if you have, you know, somebody bullied you when you were younger, it goes way back right? Or somebody you know, stole from you in your business or you know, they betrayed you in your business, whatever it is, family member, client, coworker did something that that hurt you, offended you whatever. level will perceive that's real to you, it wounded you, you felt it in your soul, you know what I'm talking about, right? So what that does, it causes a wound in your soul. And then if you don't deal with that and process that, right, it becomes an open wound you become sensitive, it becomes like a trigger or a button that can cause you to react at some time, or maybe, you know, get you to be a little sensitive or close up or be afraid. It's something that really begins to limit you and your success.

And that can be just one thing, but just think about how many times you're getting offended or feeling rejected. Or people are doing something to you or somebody that you love that's causing these woundings, in your soul, in your mind, emotions in will. And when you think about your soul being like three parts, you want them to be in alignment. But when you have these things in your soul, it kind of fractures you. So it's like fractures. Now, your mind what you're thinking and what you're feeling or not matching.

Like I want to do this, but I'm afraid or what if this happens, you know? I want to do this I believe I can, but I don't feel like that. Can you ever feel that way? When your brain is saying one thing, but your emotions are non there's not an agreement and you don't know what decision to make because it creates confusion and chaos inside of you. That's because there's some fracture, there's some things going on, that's creating noise that makes it hard to, you know, be centered, to be present, to be at peace to to be clear about the decisions you're gonna make. A lot of times if we have a lot of noise going on inside of our soul, these pains these these things, these fears that we're not dealing with, you know what I'm talking about it fractures or so and it fractures our decision making, it creates chaos of emotions in us and now we're creating our future from that emotional state.

So what do we need to do? You need to learn these three steps, okay, no matter how deep that wounding is, no matter if it's something superficial, like somebody's you know, give you a look. Right or said hi to you second, and not first. You know, let's be real here. Sometimes we get hurt or a little sensitive about those things, right? So with those things, then, okay, you need to deal with it.

Don't just think like, Oh, that's dumb, not a big deal. I shouldn't be hurt over it, but you are. So if you are, you need to learn how to process it. Little things, whether it's a little offense or something really deep, where somebody really did something wrong to you. And you have to learn the how to process how to get this stuff out of your soul so that it doesn't limit you and limit the quality of your life. So what do you do?

There's three steps, there's going to these three steps. So when you have woundings in your soul, that you know you need to deal with, you know, those, you get into those times in life where you have certain triggers, like, you know, somebody says something does something, it's just how you lose it, right? That's a symptom. That's a sign that there's something going on in there. You know, if you're defensive if you're negative, if, you know if you're not inspired, if you're not passionate, if you're not motivated. All those things are not the problem.

That's a symptom of something else. That's a sign And that you have some stuff going on in here. So then rather than focusing on those things that are not the real problem, and wasting your time trying to fix that, now you can go straight to the roots of where real change happens. So that you can change yourself at the core of who you are in your soul. So then all the habits, the behaviors that you want to create begin to come naturally rather than you trying to force it. And then you try to force it then guess why you default to your level of training, right?

You do it for a temporary time and you go back to how you used to live. Why? Because you haven't dealt with it. So there's three parts to it. What you need to do is you first need to face it, right? Face it, you to admit it.

Be brutally honest with yourself of like, you know what, this does hurt me or that hurt me or that thing bothered me or frustrated me or scared me or made me feel guilty or I feel ashamed or I regret that whatever it is, you need to frickin face it and be brutally honest with yourself because if you don't, it's gonna be a poison inside of you. It's gonna Eliminate. So face it. That's number one. Right now, number two is we need to erase it. Now, what does that mean?

Okay, so now we faced if it's somebody who hurt us, or even if we did something to somebody else or do something that we're ashamed of, that we feel guilty about, or we feel like we regret, right, that causes a pain, it causes wounding. So no matter if it's something that was done to you, or you're doing to somebody else, or somebody doing to somebody that you love, it's a wounding that you have to face and you have to erase what is he raising? It's forgiveness. Forgiveness, yes. Now, this is where I get a lot of resistance sometimes with clients, with students with, you know, with people who come in who want to get over things, and then I come to this part of like, you're like, yeah, I faced it, okay, I know, it's limiting me. I'm not gonna let it let me me me anymore.

Okay, so I'm like, Alright, you need to forgive this person who did that to you. This is where I get a lot of problems. So let me talk to you about this power of forgiveness. Because I know when I say, you know, think of that person who really hurt you. Sometimes I get some people who've been raped to have been molested who have been, you know, been through some really crazy things by people. And so when I start to bring up Hey, you need to forgive that person.

Sometimes the reactions I get is like, Are you freaking crazy Richard, you expect me to forgive this person? After what they did to me you I just told you what they did to me and you're asking me to forgive them so much hurt and pain comes up. And at this point, this is where I tell them like Yes. Why it's not for them. This forgiveness is not for them. It's for you.

Because obviously they You are a slave to this person. Because they have power over you. Right now just talking about this person. Look at what's happening to you don't have any peace at all. This shows me they have power over you. You're a slave to this person.

And I never thought about it that way. You see, forgiveness is not for them, it's for you. It doesn't mean that you're now you know, agreeing with what they did or didn't do, it doesn't mean that you're now okay with it. It doesn't mean you need to go be best friends with them now either. This means that you're no longer going to allow them and what they did in the past to have any kind of influence over you at all, to where you're not allowing your past to become your prison. You are cutting it off cutting off that person.

You know what, you have no more power over me, I forgive you. It's like It's never happened before I'm done. I'm not gonna hold it and say, well, it's not a forgive you or I'll never forget, it's not having that kind of attitude, either. It's like, you know what? No, I'm letting this go. I'm not gonna carry this me anymore.

Because now that's more space for me to put more good things in rather than having this negativity, this poison inside of me. So I want to challenge you today. To forgive. forgive that person. That's the past that person's not even probably thinking about you anymore. don't even care forgive for you.

Now we get to that next part, okay? And again, if it's something that you need to forgive yourself for, then forgive yourself. Just the fact that you're bothered or feel like you regret something that you did. That's a good sign. That's a sign that you have a good heart that you know that you're better than that, that you that you're good that that's a good sign that you're not okay with it. So forgive yourself.

And let's move on to this next step. Right? So now that we faced it, you're brutally honest with yourself, you're like, Okay, this hurt me. That person hurt me you faced it, you know, you you're not trying to blame or make excuses, but you're facing it that hey, this is affecting me. You erase it to the forgiveness. Now what's next?

Third, you need to replace it. This is you changing again, your perspective are headed appear before perspective about this person, about that circumstance about this situation. It's you Changing your perspective about it. Rather than looking at it as a problem, you're not looking at it as an opportunity, are you looking past the problem into the potential into that which is possible, you're changing your perspective about it, because this is what happens. A lot of times when you forgive that person, or when you deal with it in your mind, you process that you're like, Okay, I'm good with that. Now.

The next day, you see that person or something reminds you of that, and then it triggers it again. And now you're going to be tempted to go right back into that stinking thinking, holding that grudge against that person or creating that limiting belief all over again, after you just faced it. You just right you just dealt with it. Now you're planning to come back into your life again. This is where you come up with the replacing this is you create a new programming a new way of thinking a new perspective, a new lens to look through, so that way you no longer allow those conversations to happen again, so you don't create those. Those woundings in your soul again.

Because you can heal and then you through your own mind, your own conversations can recruit gain or even strengthen or make deeper that won't things that are in your soul. You can make it worse than how you're looking at it or you can make a better face it, erase it and replace it.

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