Hello and welcome to lesson two of Chinese reflexology for headaches and migraines. I'm so excited that you're joining me today because this is the lesson where we really dive into those Chinese reflexology points in full force. So in this lesson, you'll learn Chinese reflexology points that will help you target and zap away your head pain. So regardless of where it is, you're feeling it in your head, there is a point that can help you zone in on that area to clear away the congestion that congested ci and blood that's causing the pain. So that includes a sinus area around the eyes base of the skull, the top of the head, and your forehead. When you use these reflexology points with the acupressure points you learned in lesson one.
You've got a really powerful toolkit for eliminating headache and migraine pain fast and naturally. Plus I'm also going to share with you a point that if you get nausea and dizziness accompanying your headaches or my This point can help you get relief. But before we begin, it's time for my common sense announcement. The information in this course is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for proper medical advice or treatment. basically use common sense if you or a loved one is sick or unwell, please see your doctor. I have just one more thing to go over before we start getting into those points on your feet.
And that's some general guidelines about practicing Chinese reflexology. Generally speaking, reflexology is very safe, especially the gentle method that you're learning. Basically, you're giving yourself a foot massage. Chinese reflexology is also complimentary with other treatments. That's because the reflexology helps support your body's natural healing process by helping to bring your energy back into balance when practicing a reflexology routine, do that At least one hour before or after eating. The reason why is because after you've eaten your energy is focused on digestion and then the reflexology won't be as effective.
Also drink lots of water to help flush out any long held toxins in your body that may be released from the increase in Chi and blood flow when you practice the reflexology. And it's preferable that you abstain from drinking alcohol, it's hard for your body to metabolize alcohol. So when you're focused on healing, you want to lighten the load for your body. As well don't practice Chinese reflexology if you're pregnant. That's because there are acupuncture points on the feet and around the ankles that stimulate labor. So you want to be avoiding those and also exercise caution if you have a heart condition, diabetes or a compromised immune system.
If you have a heart condition, the reflexology helps move ci and therefore helps move blood so you want to check with your doctor. Just as you would if you were starting a new exercise routine. And also you want to start with a light pressure and massage for less than the recommended time. And the same goes for if you have diabetes, because with diabetes, the nerves and the feet can be less sensitive. So you may not realize if you're pressing really hard, and that might cause you to irritate the skin or to give yourself a bruise. And then also because reflexology really helps get things flowing in the body.
If you have a weak immune system, you don't want to be clearing long held toxins in your body at a rate faster than your body can handle. So that's why you should also go very light pressure and for less than the recommended time. And if you're not sure whether it's safe for you to practice reflexology, just check with your doctor. So let's get to those Chinese reflexology points for pain relief and we will start with the temporal area point one of the best overall points for heading And migraines the temporal area point corresponds to the sides of the head where your temples are that whole area above and around the ears. It also corresponds to the trigeminal nerve which runs through the side of your face. So the eyes, cheeks and jaw.
And because this is a major pathway for citta flow, that's what makes the temporal area point really powerful point for relieving headache and migraine pain, regardless of where you're experiencing the pain in your head. So you have a temporal area point on both of your feet, it's located on the inside edge of the big toe. The Chinese reflexology perspective is that the energy meridians in your body cross over at the neck and switch sides and that's why you use the opposite toe for the opposite side of your head. So the right toe would be for the left side of your head and the left toe would be for the right side of the head. Now if you have a one sided headache, I would still recommend massaging both sides because She needs to flow smoothly to and from your head. And if there's a traffic jam going on, it's always good to keep both roadways clear.
So let's watch a video on how to massage this point. It's a little tricky to get to the temporal area just using your fingers but what I find works as you kind of rest your thumb on your toe here, and then take your index finger and just stroke downwards on the inside of your toe. Start from the top and then press down towards the base of the toe. Okay, let's try this at home. You're going to start with your left foot, just bring it up comfortably into your lap. Reach down to your foot and rest your thumb on the outer edge of your big toe and use your index finger to press and stroke downwards.
So that's a way from the tip of the toe and go ahead and try this right now. And when you get to the bottom, the base of your toe pick up your finger put it back at the tip of the toe And then again, press and slide down and repeat. So you want to work your way across the point where you might start at, say that top surface of the toe and then you keep massaging in those strokes as you move your way along that edge of the toe until you get to the bottom underside of the toe. And this point, though, it can be a little awkward to press and massage. So another technique that you can try is to use your opposite thumb to rub the point from side to side. So if you're got your left foot right now use your right thumb to reach across that toe.
And then again, starting at the tip and then rubbing side to side along that temporal area point as you rub down towards the base of the toe. So go ahead and try that too. The most important thing to remember is you're always going to rub in one direction only and that is always going to be from the tip to the base. So even if you're rubbing side to side, you're still moving your thumb down away from the tip of the toe. Another thing to mention is that if you feel that the skin of the toe is a little sensitive, maybe because of the friction from the rubbing, then just apply a little bit of moisturizer or massage oil so that you reduce the friction. And when you're massaging in that one direction, you're helping to clear the CI, and it's kind of like sweeping dirt out of the house.
So you're making a sweeping motion, but you're sweeping in one direction so that you sweep the dirt outside of the house. And in this case, when you're doing the massage, you're helping to sweep the congested key out of your head so that it can return to the body. Okay, let's try this on your right foot. So remember the temporal point is on the inside edge of your big toe. And then go ahead and try out both techniques, the one where you use your index finger to scroll down from the tip to the base of the toe. And then also try the one where you use your opposite thumb.
So you'd be using your left thumb for the right foot, where you're starting at the tip and you're rubbing side to side as you rub down To the base of the toe. So feel free to try out both of these techniques and then use the one that feels most comfortable for you. The next point we'll cover is the face point. Now it is in quotes because it's not an official point in the system. But even so, it is a power hoarse for helping to relieve headache and migraine pain. The face point is good for tension in the muscles surrounding the eyes and the face.
So helping to relax that and release it and when you massage this point, it helps to promote the smooth flow of ci and blood to the face. It also helps if you have a headache to clear pane and those areas surrounding and behind the eyes, in the cheek area as well as your forehead and this point has an added bonus. If you massage it regularly it helps keep you looking younger. Okay, so this point is located on the top of your big toe Have your toes left toe in the right toe, it is below the toenail, that whole area. So the left toe is for the right side of the face. And just a reminder, the reason why is because in Chinese reflexology it is considered that the energy meridians in your body, they cross over at the neck level, and then they switch sides so that way anything from the neck and above you would use the opposite foot to address and anything from below the neck, you would use the same side foot.
Alright, it's time for a video. So let's watch a video on how to massage the face point. to massage your face point start at the top of the toe and use your thumb to massage so I decided you work your way down the toe. Now it's time for you to try this at home. Start with your left foot. Use your thumb so for my left foot, I would use my right thumb and then right This point side to side, beginning at the bottom of the toenail, and then it's like you're working across in rows until you reach the base of the toe.
And when you get to the bottom of the toe, pick up your thumb, place it back at the top, underneath the toenail, and repeat. Okay, now it's time to do that on your right foot. So on your right foot, use your left thumb, massages point side to side, starting at the base of the nail, working your way down and then picking up your thumb and repeating. Okay, now it's time to do that on your right foot. So on your right foot, use your left thumb, massages point side to side starting at the base of the nail, working your way down and then picking up your thumb and repeating. The next point is the sinus point.
This point is good for congestion in the sinuses for sinusitis. It helps with sneezing sniffling, so it's good for cold prevention and recovery and it's all Great for giving you relief from seasonal allergy symptoms. Now with respect to headaches, this is good for sinus headaches. This is good for pain around the sinus cavities, including around the eyes and forehead. So if you take a look at this diagram here of the sinus cavities, you can see that you have four pairs of cavities in the skull, and they're located in the middle of the forehead above the eyes, between the eyes, behind the nasal cavity and behind the cheeks. And that's why the sinus point is really good for headache and migraine pain in these areas.
So let's go over how to locate this point. There's actually 10 points but we're going to focus on the main point for the sinus. And this is located on the soles of both of your feet on the bottom of the big toe. So it's right at the tip of the toe. It's about a quarter to a third of the toe pad kind of depends on how long your toes are. So the left toe is for the right sinus cavities, and the right toe is for the left sinus cavities.
And it's our favorite time it's time to watch a video, you can use your thumb to massage your sinus point, what I like to do is I'll support my toes by reaching around with my fingers. And then I will just massage that point by pressing and rubbing across with my thumb like this. Okay, the next favorite time, which is to try and at home. So locate this point on the sole on your left foot right there on the tip of the toe. And then use your thumb to rub the point side to side. The pressure that you want to apply is going to be like if you had a peppercorn between your thumb and your forefinger and you were trying to crush it.
So that's how hard you want to be pressing on this point. And go ahead and do that. Now. On your left toe, okay, now try this on your right foot. So massaging with your thumb side to side on the tip of the big toe. The next point you're going to learn is the brain point.
Here's a diagram of the brain. Your brain has four lobes. This includes the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe, we're going to focus on the occipital lobe, which is at the back of the head, that base of the skull there. And this point that I'm going to show you is good for pain in the back of the head, and it helps relieve tension and also supports the visual cortex. That's because the occipital lobe is the visual processing center of your brain. It's where your brain takes the images that your eye see and interprets them into what your brain sees.
This point is super easy to find and it's also on your big toe. soles of both feet and it's the entire pad of the big toe. But we are focusing on the occipital region for those headaches where you get that pain in the back of your head on the base of the skull, the tension headache that kind of comes up from your neck and shoulders. So the occipital region on this point is the lower third of the point. And again, it's the left toe for the right side of your hand and the right toe for your left side. And let's watch a video on how to massage this point.
It's going to show you how to massage the entire brain points. So you can also massage the whole point if you want. But for headache and migraine pain relief, focus on that bottom third of the toe Pat. So if you want to use your fingers to massage the brain area, you can just kind of hold on to your big toe with your finger and then massage and often down motion with your thumb. Okay, it's time to try this at home. So locate the point on the soul of your left foot, it's pretty easy, find your big toe, and then use your thumb to press and rub up and down.
And you want to be moving your way across the base of the toe pad. I find for most people, the area of the brain point that is most sensitive, is 95% of the time it is on the base of the toe. That's because we hold so much tension in this area. And our posture. Like if you're looking at a computer, or if you're looking at your phone or tablet, you're kind of bending your head that way. So that's where you get those disruptions to the flow of energy.
So why don't we all take a break right now and straighten yourself out and just stretch. It's really, really good for your ci and blood flow. Okay, let's move on to your right foot. Same thing on your right toe pad, rubbing it up and down with your thumb with an emphasis on the lower portion of the touchpad. The next point is the inner ear point. Now, if you remember for gallbladder 41, that acupressure point that was in the webbing between the pinky toe and the fourth toe, gallbladder 41, is on the gallbladder meridian.
And if you look at this picture, I've identified the gallbladder meridian and purple. This is one crazy meridian. I remember learning in class and being totally blown away at how this meridian practically zigzags all over your ear, the side of the head and up kind of close to the top of the head. So the inner ear point is also located very close to that gallbladder meridian. And that's why massaging this point really benefits the inner ear because you've seen that meridian see how it just surrounds the whole ear area. That's why this point can help with dizziness and nausea.
That may accompany headaches migraine. So when there's this ci congestion going on in this whole area in this Meridian, it can cause inner ear disturbances and that's what's causing the nausea and dizziness. And that's what also makes this inner ear point really good for helping with hearing loss and tinnitus where people experience a ringing in their ear. To locate this point, it is on the top of your foot, both feet and I've got the right foot shown here it is a small circle at the tip of the webbing. It is between the last two toes the pinky toe and what you could call the ring toe or the fourth toe and your left foot is more the right ear and the right foot is for the left ear. And it's time to watch a video on how to massage this point.
You can take your index knuckle to massage the inner ear points, just put it right down there on the point And then use a twisting action of your wrist to massage the point. Now it's time to try this at home. So locate the point on the top of your left foot. Of course, I've got a picture of a right foot here. But you can use either foot and let's start with the left and just pretend that picture is flipped over. And then you'll want to press and twist with your knuckles.
So press into the point with your knuckle and then twist kind of like you're wiggling a doorknob that's a little bit stuck. You want to be pressing hard enough so that you feel the point but not so hard that you're going to bruise the area or irritate the skin because of the top of the foot. The skin is much more delicate here. And then the same thing on your other foot. So switch feet whichever one you started with, just use the other one. And then again press and twist with the knuckle.
So let's do a quick recap of what you've learned so far. You learned About the energy meridians in the body, how important it is to have them in balance. You learned about how when things are not flowing smoothly through your head that leads to that congestion that causes those sharp, stabbing throbbing, severe headaches and migraines. You also learned acupressure points for moving Chi and blood through your body. You learned large intestine four on the hand liver, three on the foot and gallbladder 41. Also on the top of the foot.
You also learn the temporal area point, one of the best Chinese reflexology points for moving ci and blood in your head. And today you learn new points, you supercharge your ability to clear away ci congestion in your head by targeting specific areas to zap away the pain. You learn the face point for the face the eyes, forehead, cheeks, you learn the sinus point which is good for the similar areas on your head. especially good for science. As headaches, as well as that brain point focusing on that occipital area, the base of the brain for pain in the back of the head, and for those tension headaches. Next you learned how to locate and massage the inner ear point.
This can help with dizziness and nausea that can accompany a headache or migraine. In the next lesson, I'll show you how to take everything you learned all of these points and then distill it down to one simple reflexology routine. I'll show you how to customize this routine based on the symptoms that you're currently experiencing so that you can clear away the pain fast. So I'll show you that in the next video. Bye for now.