So now my paper is dry, I want to go in and start with the stems. Good. Put a little water on my palate, mix a little of this deep green and take a little bit of perylene read to that. Add a little more green. And then we'll do a wet on wet technique. So with my number six brush with a sharp point, I'm going to wet the entire area of the stem and the base here of these and I'm going to go in there with a sharp point and just drop in some color.
Not trying to get the entire stem, white green, but I do want to add pigment to a lot of it. Again, I want to painterly look. Do the same thing on this stem. So I'll go in and wet it. And then I'm going to drop in some pigment and this is for wet on wet technique and the pigment runs. gonna come in here with some of this permanent green.
And I'm going to drop some of that just throughout our STEM in the base here. And this gives us a nice first layer. We'll let this layer completely dry.