Here is your assignment for today supporter for one whole day, walk in a director shoes, try something else for a change and see, you might even like it. Here are some behavioral guidelines for how people are. First of all, they are competitive and aggressive. On the phone, they keep it short and to the point. Their writing style is also concise. value is placed on achieving their goals.
They are experts in time management. When it comes to making a decision. They like presenting options based on solid analysis. Naturally, the best pace is fast and decisive. They avoid jets at all costs. And their number one priority is getting the task done and seeing results as you're already used to write down some ideas or at least give some thought to your new experience.
What have you learned? What would it feel like to live in someone else's skin for Change. How exactly did your behavior change? What is for the best. This exercise will show you that even if you have just a small driver in you. It's enough to make good use of stimulated this parts to grow more self confident and become more organized.
Remember that people don't fit in categories. They are unique brands. Why not seize the opportunity to create something more functional for yourself?