Welcome to a lecture check processing times. Let's imagine that you have finished you application you send your application, everything well, now comes the question, Where am I going to get the notification from CIC? When will I know that my process is done? I'm gonna get my work permit? Well, for that we're gonna go to this web page of the Government of Canada. We're going to use this tool available online.
So we can calculate the position time for your application. So the first question is a tool is, where are you applying for? Basically, gonna go and make the choice because we're talking about working we're gonna choose a temporary residence. And this is in choice if you're visiting and studying or working. Okay? So I make the choice which temporary wrestling application.
I'm going to choose. I'm looking for a work permit. And you have several choices for work permit, you have work permit, or previous tension with a new employer, our premise tension with the employer, and then you have the information internationally speaking, Canada. So you also right choices there. We're going to go with the regular wow word permit. Okay.
And then the third question will be, where are you applying from? And I make the selection list imagine that I'm living in the tropical are gonna go to the minikin Republic. Okay, so I have provided three answers. I provided town planning for a temporary resident visa. permit in this case, I brought it as a work permit that I need and provided the information on my location. I'm living in Dominican Republic.
So let's get the processing time gonna calculate and then the tool. What it does is give me the information and work permit application in Dominican Republic takes around six weeks. And then it gives me the information of the biometrics. And of course, there's a back office in Dominican Republic. If I go for more detail, I will be able to find information where to where to go there, but this is the information that the tool provides for you. And then this is the last update that was basically yesterday.
So there keep it very up to date on a weekly basis quality process thing is if I change my my answer No no. I actually not in Dominican Republic let's see if I choose a popular destination like India this compare in India the present time is 10 weeks Dominican Republic six weeks the present time for India is 10 weeks if I play again and say okay, what about the Philippines? Again choosing random countries yes to have an idea in the Philippines is a Wix is the longest so far in the three choices that I have. So, that is the How important is this tool and how it can help you to have a better idea the moment of checking your processing One thing is very important and with temporary receiving applications are less frequent, but you need to have in mind from the time that your application is received by the office, and the time that they're gonna issue if it's gonna be a Wix or in the case of the Philippines, you shouldn't be making any inquiry about your case if the regular processing time haven't passed yet.
For example, you don't be trying to come to the office at which six in the Philippines if you know that their regular processing time for their work permit in the Philippines is a weeks. So you should only inquire about your application or the other processing time if it's taking longer than the posting time. Okay. And, and we assuming that you've never got that you never got any letter, asking for more documents from their office, from the office or union Got any refusal because it was incomplete. We use seeking about a worse scenario analysis complete to send the application you use waiting for the outcome. Either a week in the case of the Philippines application from the Philippines of impasse, you shouldn't ask for any inquiry about the time you need to wait after the eight weeks pass, and then you can do an inquiry into the foreigner we include in our training about how to ask for those question because when it takes you longer than is supposed to the years, you can go ahead and get information, make the inquiry, but from both practice place, shows refrained for doing it before do regular time in your country of residence when you apply.
Alright, so I hope this information is different for you. Thank you very much. And we'll see you in the next one. Thank you.