In Microsoft Excel, we can use this V lookup function also. So we can do something Id equal b Luka let's say I want to look up a value let's say 4.5 then I went to look up from this table Okay, so table Yeah, I want to select a column. So 12345 fifth column there is you fill out one more. So I wonder is that match? Okay, then I press enter, so I should get Certosa. So what this means is that I want to be Luca.
So I want to look up. Okay, I want to look this up. value here. So this is a 4.5 value and to look at 4.5 from this whole table, a two to 151, a two to a 151 a, a two to eat one by one. And then I really want to gather our fifth column value. So, I want to get a FIFA column value and policies are as a match through is just some matching.
So, let's say from this function here, so what he means when he says he will dhoka pi pi, then from this table, he will return to me the fifth variable p column. So this is so Tosa here. So 4.5 in this whole column here data will be let's say more than one values data is 4.5. So, he will usually return the what we call the first occurrence of this 4.5 there is no other synonyms for occurrence. So, you are returned the first occurrence of this 4.5 in this whole column here. So, this is how we can use this, we look up in this sl