Welcome back. In this video, we're going to talk about actually ranking your personal LinkedIn profile. And we'll show you a couple tools. To help you do that. We already talked about some of the factors. So now let's work on ranking our profile.
So LinkedIn has a lot of page rank, and sometimes ranking and LinkedIn can actually help your Google rankings to so it doesn't just stop with LinkedIn, this is a very important thing for you to do. If you're trying to find partners. If you're trying to create work, whatever you're trying to do, this is very important. So always be cognizant of this. First thing we're gonna do is let's look at just the search bar in general. So most people will only look at the first five LinkedIn search results when looking for a job or help or opportunities.
Services. It's basically just like Google, most people never go past the first page of Google. Some more and more people are starting to they're starting to realize that you know the results. They always see on the first page aren't always the best and most relevant because of all the spammers out there, but at the same time, most people still don't. Okay, I usually don't. All right.
If I can find the answer I'm looking for on the first page, then, by all means, I'm going to do that. So here's some ideas to help you rank higher. The first thing you want to do is just come here to the search bar, just type in any keyword. Alright, so let's say we're looking for internet marketing. We're searching by people. Okay, so these are the first people that rank for that keyword in LinkedIn.
So what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go through and actually check out some of these people and see what, see what they're all about, see how they're ranking. Check out how many people they're actually connected to. You want to see what kind of keywords they're using, look for the word internet marketing, in their profile. So let's go here to ivorie Number one. See, he's got marketing, local internet marketing, social media marketing, YouTube marketing. He's got the word marketing basically stuffed into his profile, which, you know, whatever.
I don't like to do that, but oh Yo, autoplay video down here. Thanks Ivor. So basically got a lot of keywords in here. So no wonder he ranked number one. Okay, so he just basically keyword stuffed the word marketing, internet marketing all into this and it worked out for him. Okay, if you search for this keyword, he's the first guy that pops up.
All right. 500 plus connections 68 recommendations. Can we talk about how recommendations are so important? So now you can start to get an idea of how all this works. I mean, it's it's pretty simple. You get the right things done, and you're going to rank in LinkedIn.
Now. I wouldn't necessarily suggest that you just stuffing keywords in here. You don't have to do that. Okay, you can write down currently what you do what you've done in the past, use the keywords. But, you know, for me personally, I would just probably make it a little bit more legible to where, when I'm reading this, like, you know, as somebody that might want to work with this person, I'm not like okay, so I can't really see what you've done. Really, I can just see you know, lots of the word marketing stuff in your profile.
So obviously, connecting to a lot of people is gonna be very important. So come up to your, anytime you get a connection, request your inbox, just accept it. Okay? So you can go ahead and accept any kind of connection. If somebody is trying to spam you'll figure it out later. Okay, you can go in and actually delete those people.
You don't have to keep people on but you know, go ahead and accept people that that ask you to be accepted and then LinkedIn also tell you Other people that you may want to connect with and these people are probably seeing you on theirs too. So it never hurts to go ahead and connect with these people. Okay? So just connect, connect, connect, connect, connect. It doesn't hurt you. Some people may accept you some may not okay big deal, okay, but when you're first starting out, you want to go ahead and get as many connections as possible.