And then now you're going to go, tweet and share this event on Facebook and Twitter. Okay? This is very important that you do this, especially if you don't have a lot of connections right now, this is a great way to go ahead and actually connect with people that are your followers that you're following people that you're friends with on Facebook that may have LinkedIn accounts you don't even know about yet. Okay, so this is a great way to utilize these share buttons, share your event. Basically, just make sure you're signed into your Facebook browser. Click here to share it on your wall.
Very cool. And then you can send the invite to everybody on everybody. That's a friend of yours. So for now, we're just skip this step. All right. So right now we've got that internet marketing webinar.
I can add the event to my calendar. So you can add it to your personal calendar. You can also share this event. Here's a link to your event. You can see People, you're the organizer. Right now just like a Facebook event it says that you're attending.
So next thing we want to do is make sure that we take this link and actually send it to people in LinkedIn. So we can share this event here pulls up, and basically it's just going to post to our updates. Okay, so we can post our updates, and then we can send to individuals. And we can just start typing a name or email address of Justin's one of my friends. I can send a Justin, I can tell Dylan. Okay, so we can set all of our friends individually.
And if it's a new email address, somebody you're not connected to, you can just enter their email address, it'll send to all of them. Okay, so then you would just go here to share. Now we've shared the link, we can close this window, okay. So make sure you go through that stuff. Inviting everybody, don't just post this event to your wall. And then assume that people are just going to naturally come to your profile and sign up, make sure you send this out.
That's a cool feature of LinkedIn, you can actually invite people to events where you can't do that on Facebook, if you have a page. If your if your Facebook page is created an event, you can't just invite people that like your page. Okay, so it's a very cool feature. This is a professional network, your events can go viral very quickly. So last thing I want to show you is get more applications. Click on Get more applications, and we want to find the LinkedIn event applications right down here.
So basically, you click on this Vince and you want to click display on my profile and then display on LinkedIn homepage and update settings. All right, so now on my homepage, you see this internet marketing webinar. If you go to my profile, you can also see my event right here on my wall activity. Okay? Just a cool little app to add down here as well, you can see it. Okay, so now people can see it in multiple places, we can see the app on the sidebar, they can also see the event down here under applications.
Okay, this will just make sure that when people come to URL profiles, they don't have to read the sidebar, it'll still be down here as well. Okay, so just want to make sure you download that app. You can also go back to more applications, and go through here and find other cool applications that are popular. So we've got the WordPress app. You've got SlideShare presentations, just all kinds of cool things. stuff so make sure you go through and check all this out and add anything here that you'd like to add and get polls application all kinds of awesome stuff here on LinkedIn.