Okay, so it's time to throw you guys into the deep end a little bit. I've deleted the variable script and project is back to where you guys should have it. And I want you guys to create a new script to create C sharp script. You guys can call it whatever you want because we're also going to delete this. Okay, so I'm going to show you guys how to do something pretty interesting. I'm going to create a variable called public bool is Dave a good look, that's gonna equal to false.
Sad. Then we're going to go down to the void star, and I'm going to say debug dot log. I'm going to open and close some speech marks and say is Dave, good blood pressure MK put a space in there. And then after the Spaceman I'm going to say plus, I'm going to add the variable is Dave a good bloke. So what's going to do is it's going to say it's got a variable that says is Dave's a good bloke? Is Dave a good bloke i equals false.
And then it's going to log out is to have a good bloke, and he's going to tell us the answer. So if we go back to unity and drag our script on to the main camera, and press play, and we move over to a console is the day of a good bloke false. Ah, that's that. So what we're going to do is we're going to write, we're going to change that variable. So after we've logged it is to have a good blog, I'm going to write is David good book. equals true.
Cool. And then I want to copy this and I'm going to paste them beneath and I'm going to say is Dave, now, a good book, get back over to unity and press play. Is there a good book false is Dave now a good book? True. So what's happened there is our variable is to have a good bloke style is false, for printed out as false, got changed to true, and then got printed out. It's true.
So for the test, I want you to I want to see if you guys can do the same thing to see if you guys can create a variable, get it to log out into the inspector, change that variable, and then log it out again. You can use any variable you like you can call it whatever you like, and you can change the value to whatever you like. Give yourself 10 minutes to complete this task. If you get it done in 10 minutes, hey, Happy Days, you're pretty good. If you're still struggling, that's totally fine as well. You'll eventually pick it up.
In the next episode, we will start coding the actual game. This is where the project will pick up at a faster and faster pace. So soon we'll have a working prototype. It'll be at a Show your friends and family. See you there.