Welcome to day 27. Yesterday was your way of planning how to improve yourself how to keep advancing yourself, what do you need, what skills need updating, and to start writing to jotting down some ways to generate? Well, some possible projects that you might like to create? Well, today we're going to hone in day 27 on creation day putting ideas into action. So getting an idea of a way to build wealth. So is it already to advance what you're already doing?
Or is it to create a product is it to create a service or advance your service, whatever that is, but the thing that will you will need to put energy in is something that you feel good about because when you put your energy into something that you don't feel good about, it's out of integrity, and you lose interest or if it's too hard to if it gets It's hard, you fall off the wagon because there's no energy in it. And I would have definitely fallen off the wagon if I didn't have this some commitment or passion or this is what I can only do because even my business partner many times wanted to ditch You know, Friends to killing. And he just got frustrated and was negative and I inside me I couldn't do it. There's something that just goes, there's no way. And I've learned a lot.
I've learned so much in what it takes to run a business, create a business and stay successful, be successful and be changing with the times and be intuitive. And it's a great time for you to be intuitive and a great time for you to be creative. You're allowed to be creative. Now there's lots of ways to be creative. be one way to be creative is a lot of people are online and that's the best way to reach people globally. And you need to update your skills on How to get out there globally and be okay with presenting yourself.
You know, me speaking to you now isn't difficult but once upon a time, it was difficult. I couldn't put two words together. I couldn't remember things I had dyslexia, I had trouble speaking. So over time and the way that I kept advancing myself and I kept healing myself and growing myself, I very much worked on myself inwardly a lot. Plus outwardly I've done a lot of courses. I've invested so much time into creating me and making me a more professional and a better presenter.
And better energy. When you've got a troubled past of abuse, that's got an energy and that takes time to undo. And I'm committed to that. I love freedom. And I love watching other people be free. So The thing with having a new project is you've you, you're solving a problem, you need to make sure you're solving a problem.
And you need to make sure that this problem that you're solving is what people want. So you need to road Ted's road test your, you know what you're creating. If you're already advanced in your own business, well, then you already know that there's demand for it. You just need to be able to get yourself out there more. So that means that you'll need to advance yourself when you do more research and look at ways that other people, you know, advance their business. And look at your competitors find out what they do.
So, all right, so you're gonna hone in on an idea, a project, what is it? advanced drone business creates a new product, create a service, whatever an online course, whatever you've chosen, you're going to To plan so you write down on the exercise 27 you're going to write down what information and research do you need? And what are the benefits of creating this project. So I've created projects and has benefited me in that process. I found that the, the fact that I teach and I write about and I've had to research and look for information and delve into the world of energy has advanced my knowledge and has healed me because I've found stuff. If I wasn't, if I was just going off to a course, I wouldn't get as half as much as what I have in creating something, creating something I'm always led to true so the universe has supplied me with the most powerful information which has freed me personally.
So I have a commitment that I know and I believe and no and see you know the value of friends and killing and and I hear the feedback. So for me, this is something, you know, it's a beautiful profession, isn't it a lovely profession where you help others, but you know, you, we all help others in in our art and now, you know, taking care of people and our nursing and our teaching. And in many ways, we all have something that works for us. So, whatever works for you, whatever you love to do, this is where you need to put this energy, the negatives from creating the project, are there any negatives? So does that mean that you have less time to spend with your children, but just write it down? So you weigh up the pros and cons?
Now you don't want to be spending a lot of money because you've got to put down How much is this project going to cost me how much am I going to invest in it? And because if it doesn't work, then you're, you know, you're at a high amount of profit or money. So you'll need to make sure that you start a bit lower in the way of creating, you know, advancing credits this program You want, you don't want to do you want to start small and know that you know how to do projects and you get used to being entrepreneurial in your way of thinking. tools needed out what's the outcome you want, and then create an action plan timeline. So just do a timeline, say, Okay, I'm going to do this in week one. And week two, I'm going to create this and week three, and week four, this is the outcome that I want.
And this is how it's like a business plan. Going to create the timelines, and so you'll stick to them. I highly recommend you do this project force for something that you like, because it's really beneficial to make you feel that you're a creator and that you're taking charge of your life, and you're expanding your wealth, and that you're in charge of your wealth. And, you know, it's like when you do a healing and someone goes, Oh my gosh, you know, like, someone's like, I've just changed someone's life and they're happy to pay me you know, hundred or $200 whatever you charge. That is so amazing. And they want to come back and they refer their friends.
I mean, that's like you doing what you love and being rewarded for it. And those who do healings need to make sure that they really value and value the system that they use a lot of the view of forensic forensic healers, so just value that that system and what it's taken to create that. And that's why I had no issue with how much I cost, which is a high amount. So very high. I actually don't have an issue with it. Because I know what I'll put into it, and I can change someone's life by by identifying their patterns and then showing them exactly what they've been doing the whole lot that has kept them stuck, and then healing them.
So I what's that worth, you know, people spend 10s of thousands of dollars trying to heal themselves and change themselves. So I don't have an issue and and when you say I have invested in myself, I know that I've I've kind of spin off The money that no one spends on themselves not no one, but I've gone out and gone. You know what, I'm going to spend the money to find the answers on every angle of my life. And even in business, I've gone and done business courses. So I have no issue with being okay with charging what I charged. And that's what I want you to do.
When you invest in yourself, and you have spent that money you go, I'm worth it. And I don't have an issue with taking money for that it changes your mindset about money, and then you'll get it. Alright, so I'm really curious to see what you're going to do. And there is a little action plan. Feel free to share your ID idea with your abundance buddy, and in the FB group to get feedback and inspire others. So you can share your idea and say what do you reckon, and get some feedback and then it just inspires others to just, you know, for all of us to be manifesting Wanting, you know everyone else to succeed and that's just how it works.
What I wish for you is actually wishing for myself when they say we're all one, we are all one. So, you know, when we share the university is back. Okay? And of course, always it's always done with intuition because I'm not saying you just go blindly share things. your gut says don't share something, you don't share something you keep, you know, you keep sharing the amount that feels comfortable, by being guided and by feeling you know, whether it's right or not, okay? All right.
So go creating you. Entrepreneurs go work out ways to create wealth and let it all flow and the sky's the limit. Take care