Well, it's just something comes into your head. And you're so delighted that you've got an answer of some sort. And that you couldn't have figured out logically, which is really what intuition is. It's non logical thinking. And it's also integrating in unusual ways, different facts, which we didn't see as integrated that way. It feels marvelous.
It's a sense of attunement and connection, and vitality. I know that when I'm functioning intuitively, I have tremendous energy and tremendous vitality. And whenever I kind of step off that path, my energy drops. And it's a clear indication of Okay, no more. It's just not happening. This is not the right path.
It's really as simple as yes or no in any moment in time, we can either move towards energy which is positive Or we can move away from that energy and we get a negative charge. It's really very electrical. And you can become very sensitive to those indications. So that you do now whether it's something feels in a positive way to you, or whether something has no energy. People talk about this when they, when they meet somebody that they want to do business deal with. Or when something's going on, all of a sudden, they'll feel great, or they'll feel the energy drop.
Intuition touches your heart, at least as much, if not more than your head. And when you've connected with your intuition, you're going to feel warm inside glowing, radiant, you'll feel what I call the five E's. It feels elegant. The solution feels elegant, it feels efficient. It feels easy. It elates you and you feel very enthusiastic about your life.
And while you're here And it'll enables you to take risks that you wouldn't normally be able to take. Because it's not just a risk way out there on a limb. You're there with a sense of connection to the tree. So you know what's going to work out somehow you have something to go on.