We have different learning windows. So if you will just step back and notice how the magic comes to you has it served up, there will be a pattern. And the more you pay attention to how the gift comes, the more you will find, yes, I'm convinced that every day I just rush past incredible gifts. Because I'm so focused on thinking I know what I'm supposed to do. Slowing down a bit is is very important. getting curious and having fun with the cosmic joke of it.
It's all there for us. So once you get to know the language of intuition, and you become a little more familiar with your symbols and how community intuition communicates to you, whether you're a kinesthetic, intuitive, which is through the body through gut feeling, or whether you're a mental intuitive, which is through hunches and kind of persistent thoughts that come to you And also it can come through the world. All sorts of things can happen that seemed to come through the world that bring us information and knowledge that we didn't know we had.