This 11-minute webinar for all you need to know about epigenetics and how you can change your life.
What will you learn in this course?
You will learn what is epigenetics?
You will learn how knowing your epigenetic profile from a simple mouth swab will help you identify which natural foods and supplements will help you and which are a waste of time
You will learn what is a triggering event and how to look out for common ones
You will learn the process of epigenetic testing
You will learn an example of an epigenetic report and what it tells you
Jennifer Robin Musiol, C-RNP, owner of Epigenetics and Advanced Hormone Consulting, is one of the first health practitioners in Maryland to specialize in bioidentical hormone replacement and epigenetic assessment and treatment. "I was amazed when I started solving health problems with natural hormone supplementation. Issues like fatigue, low...