Okay, so this is about sending a logo to a client's and logos because you have less to play with designing them is equivalent of writing poetry, and like poetry, and a lot of people do it, but only a few people do it very well. logos are the ultimate challenge for the graphic designer. They're the first and most important visual cue for a company or a brand. I think logos should usually be simple, compact, and have one or two colors. Good logo, I think looks good at very small and very big. Now, the logo design process is very fraught now because I can't tell you how to design a logo in this course.
I have a link here to a course that a friend of mine did. I like to design logos in Adobe Illustrator So, I usually start with logos as vectors not as bitmaps. So they are lines and shapes and gradients etc. Rather than pixels. Sometimes the difference between vectors and bitmaps needs to be explained to the client. If so here is something I copy and paste into an email vectors consists of points, lines and curves, which when combined can form complex objects, whereas bitmaps or raster graphics, for example, JPEGs are composed of pixels that contain specific color information when enlarged bitmaps pixelate, whereas vectors scale up or down without loss of quality or sharpness.
So the same vector logo file looks as great on a business card as a billboard. There we go again, logos have to look great, very small and very big. But this is the more important thing that you need to say to the client and this is about the logo design process and the This is essential because you don't want the process going on too long. So the best way I found to do this is to show the clients no more than two or three options at one time, and no more than six or seven options in total. Now you can modify the last option, maybe three or four times again, if you absolutely have to. But more than that, and then the process is really just not working.
The nightmare scenario is showing the client nine or 10 different versions and they're still not happy. And that is something that you've got to avoid at all costs. Because usually with logos you give a fixed price, you're not being paid by the hour. So it's very important that you get these options down. It's also much better for the client because it means they focus on what you're doing instead of expecting a continuous stream of ideas from here until eternity. So this is what you need to pay Since the email to explain logo design process, and this will get you out of a lot of stick.
The logo design process usually consists of sending two or three options via email. More six or seven can be produced if necessary before a preferred option is chosen, and then modified further until the final logo is signed off. This usually takes about a week, but the time This process takes usually depends on the client. Now pricing for logos is notoriously difficult. As I said earlier, it's much easier to combine the price of a logo with another job like a website design. It's rare that a client needs the logo and nothing else.
And sometimes someone phoning you up asking for a logo and nothing else can be one of those red flags I refer to. However, if you get this process right, and you explain the process and the number of options to the client beforehand, then it can be extremely challenging but satisfying process for both Few and the clients. Okay, thank you very much