Hey guys, in this lecture, we learn how to count in Turkish I mean, we learned the Turkish numbers right. So in this lecture, we will learn the odd numbers in Turkish, like I mean, first, second, third, four, and so on, so on. Okay. So here we have a rule, a small rule here, for example, the if award, if a number like and like with the devil of our booth, it's all owned rule, a injury or injury. So let's, let's look at an example. In order to understand better Okay, so here we have beer, one, beer.
So the last wall is E beer. So we add a beer in G in G bingi First he ever have to was the last one is he injury add injury again you change it second he ever have one more. So we have injury which injured which injured third dirt. So we have one world the injured as you see the injured bash we have one more. So we say bash injury injury alter. alter.
So we have two holes here. Ah. And so we say injured Alton six yeah the yeah dingy circus psyches injury, eighth tacos. We have two bowls here or an O so we have So if you say Dockers window or local ginger, on, on, you have to have all on your own and it's quite simple guys. So I have a practice for you like practice a lot. So try to learn try to say lands 155th eighth ninth and and I advise you to write numbers from yourself and try to translate them in Turkish.
So you're going to get used in the Turkish numbers so quickly so firstly, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Have a nice day.