Hey guys, welcome to Turkish for beginners course in this lesson we will learn simple future tense or just future tense it's translated as get zamana in Turkish Okay, so we just have a rule let's say a simple rule if the last wall of words which is all then we will use the followings the following suffixes if the vote the last of all of board rule is a then we will use these following suffixes okay. So let's go so as you know we cancel a Mac mark it means like to see to to just work to just be canceled to Okay, so as you see there is one, the first and the last wall of the word root GERD, right. So If it's then we will use the following suffixes, right? So, well how to say I will see good AJ Gersh AJ good Jackson good Jackson.
Good Jane. Good judge. Good AJ is see. Get a Jackson is good object. Yes. Okay.
So the word the verb yup Mark like to do. Okay. So Ben, Papa john, as you see here are and if you ever have to always write the second on the last is our so we use the following. So we are part john Yep. Hi john. Hi john.
Yup. Hi john. Hi john. I will do your projects and you will do all your projects he will do visa purchase we will be will be will do. And you see the up axis you will do it means like plural you All my apologies. They will do okay.
So here we have a hint. I'll give you a good hint in are not confused when you see like this rule. So if the last word is sorry if the last letter is the last letter of the word, which is wall, then we add letter Y. Okay? So for example, we can some mark right to, to. So, as you see aku like the last letter of the word root, which is who writes it's, I'd say it's full.
So we add why. Ben okay john book it's not awkward our job as it is like, how to walls cannot come together. Then we will add why. Okay, john cena opia Jackson, this old joke is Joyce she's okay Jackson is on a lot okay so the next the same Aqua get much like going to school Ben Oh collected a Jane I will go to school serve like the Jackson or like the the Jake visit is Oklahoma Jackson is on optimizations with the same. So here's the practice for you translate the following sentences in Turkish and write extra How to say future tense sentences in English or it doesn't matter even if in maybe in your language and try and try to translate them in Turkish. So we have learned just a formative like FMS form and we come to negative Okay, so if the last wall of word rich is all then we use Maya My You see, and if the last role of wardrobe is evil, then we will let me okay make my make here.
I will not go to school. How to say then awkward get me AJ. It major give me Jim. Get me a gym. Yeah that's how like two examples. Ben give me a gym.
Good. You say the word route majoring C major gosh it's beautiful right? same girl Mia Jason Goodman Jason you will not see. This girl mages says good magic sneeze or not good magic. They will not see. So here Yup, we are john here the same like Yup, right the word rich and are as you are.
Then we use the forms right my john mayer Jackson Same Okay, so question form. So if the last wall of mortalities are all then we add a jack. If that if the last wall of water is a then we will use a jack okay. JACK Mim mean jack mean so so if you notice like all like ease here not a you're not strike so I'll come back to it Ben okay jack mean will I read? Ben okay jack mean send okay jack Johnson or jack Thompson Lucy okay Jackman jack moko yeah jack. See, she's okay Jackie says, will you read on opia Jacqueline so here there's also another practice for you.
Like really go We'll be right will the love Will the jump and this is exercises a home For you, just try to translate them in Turkish and try to understand the meaning of them and try to write a lot of sentences in your language and try to translate them into English. So that's all guys. I hope it was so easy to understand. And if you have any question or any, or any part you don't understand, or any part that's not understandable, just contact me. And don't hesitate to contact and ask anything you want. See you soon.
Take care