Hello and welcome to lecture nine have become an author self publish your books worldwide. I am Adrian Rashid was lecture nine preparing a non Kindle ebook. Now let me show you how to prepare a non Kindle e book. I use Smashwords as an example Smashwords is a website that will allow you to publish your ebook in sites other than Amazon like Kobo Swanee Baker and Taylor overdrive diesel no card so on. I just show you how to format a book that is suitable for Smashwords close this now, I have another Microsoft Word file suitable for Smashwords. This is somewhat similar to the Microsoft world file that You used in the Kindle create tool, but not exactly same.
What this is, this file has this, even this doesn't have any page numbers or any other formatting. to click on this formatting, you see it doesn't have anything, not even page breaks, there should be no page breaks also just a basic word file on a letter sized paper. The only difference between this and Kindle create is the way you put your hyperlinks. What you have to do is you have to insert bookmarks for each chapter. I tell you what a bookmark is, close this. Let us say this is your chapter currently This is a fully formatted file.
So I will just show you what it what I have done. It does assume that you have your one file. We just select your chapter name Click Insert, bookmark and type a name for your bookmark and click Add. Ok, then go to the next chapter. Select the first chapter. Insert, bookmark and give a name.
For example I have given a curse and add keep adding bookmark for each and every chapter. bookmark, give a name at once everything is done go to the contents. You should have typed your table of contents here. Now what you have to do is I just show you how to select the appropriate chapter. For this content. I just remove the bookmarking temporarily adultry, what do you have to do is go and select the contents chapter, right click, select hyperlink.
Now you have to select the bookmark portion. Click the bookmark, it will show you all the bookmarks that you have created. Select the appropriate bookmark. Click ok. Click cook. Now you see this got hyperlinked, click here, it will go to the chapter. But what I have done in my book is I have created a bookmark for contents to be created a bookmark for content.
So what I also do is I go and create a hyperlink on all the chapters where I have selected the contents. So when I click on the chapter name, it will take me back to the content so I can go back and forth. Similarly, when I Click on this, it will go here and I click next it goes back to the contract. And I click here, it goes to the chapter, when I click it back, it goes back to the contract. This is all you need. And most important one is you need to have this text in every Smashwords book that you publish.
If you don't have this text, it will not get approved. So this is all you need for to create a Smashwords book. Of course Smashwords has a very big do's and don'ts document, you can go through there if you want. But this particular settings is more than enough for your Smashwords book. But it should not have any page breaks page numbers or section breaks. And another thing that they expect you is how to differentiate the chapters all you need is about five stars that you can put between chapters.
If you put this then Smashwords will assume that a new chapter has started Using this file, you can upload it on Smashwords along with the cover page that you use for kindle and Smashwords will reformat the book to all these sites. You don't have to worry about this they will take care of all the reformatting and uploading on all these sets. All you will need is if you have a proper word file and a JPG file for the code and if this if you have this fight and the cover pitch, your job is done Smashwords will do the rest for uploading on all these sites. They will also upload on Apple and your book will appear on the apple ibookstore after a few days. So this is how you prepare a non Kindle e book So basically To summarize, you have three kinds of interiors. One is a purely of interior for the paperback and a PDF cover for the paperback.
The second one is the Kindle kpf file, and the JPG file for the Kindle ebook. And the third one is a Microsoft Word file and a JPG file for the Smashwords book. So if you have these three formats, basically you have one PDF, full sized cover, one JPG cover that will be suitable for Amazon as well as Smashwords a copy a file suitable for kindle create and a Microsoft Word suitable for Smashwords that means you can go global all your books will be now available on all Amazon sites and all non Amazon sites. So this completes how you create your Kindle interior. Please proceed to the next lecture to continue. Thanks for watching.