Hi, welcome in an overview of web development roadmap series, like the last video when we talked about JavaScript, and the answer their questions that shows you everything about JavaScript. In this video, I'll be talking about PHP, and what PHP can do, and some other questions. So let's get started. So what is PHP? PHP short for hypertext preprocessor. It's the silver side scripting language, and widely used to create dynamic interactive web pages.
Also, it can be embedded into HTML. So we can type a PHP code within HTML code. Okay, before moving forward with anything in this video, let me just explain what meant by server side. So server side means that the code will be executed on the server, and the client would get the result and he wouldn't know What happened behind the scenes to get him this result? Now what which we can do? Don't be bored because it will be a longer list.
But first, let me tell you that PHP can be used in all major operating systems, including Linux, Microsoft, windows, and Mac OS. php help you to provide user authentication for your website. This will make your website more secure. Let me explain how PHP will store the data or for example, the username and the password and database. What are you can use top level of encryption. Also it can provide a two step verification.
When you are looking at or sign up, the browser telling you that there is a link or a code will be sent to your mail or your phone. So you have to use it to verify your code. php supports a lot of database. So this gives you the variety and a lot of options to select your preferred database such as MySQL Gu l or aka also can be used with no SQL, and so on. It can create real time applications, like chats, social networks, with games, you can generate graphics directly from PHP, such as JPG files, you can make image recognition and editing application once you can make a voice recognition application. There are more the list is too long that we see now what are PHP frameworks.
There are a lot of frameworks. So I will just mention four. The first one is in there has a massive following. So it's one of the popular PHP frameworks hate PHP, it is a great choice for rapid application development. Symphony Symphony is commonly used by adversive developers. And finally a cannot forget a lot of all, not all one of the most popular free open source PHP framework that we now see the salary for appealing Be developer who came to search for PHP, web developer.
And we won salaries and the location. us a New York. Nice. So the average salary for PHP web developer, specifically New York 82 k per year. Okay, let's do a search about PHP just developer. So he can develop anything desktop applications, phone applications, web applications, any kind of applications that need PHP nice.
There's a lot of money. So the average salary 101, almost 102. And suppose you have more experience, so your salary will reach to 166 k barrier. So let me now back to the video to see what else we have about PHP. What are the alternatives if you don't want to go with PHP you can go with JavaScript, specifically node.js. You can use Python, Ruby, and C sharp.
What is the best material that you can use for PHP, you can use w three schools to know the basics are for practicing, but the essential material is PHP dotnet, which has everything about PHP. So that's everything about PHP. So good luck and see you next time.