If we look outside right now we see what people checking their phones. We are currently addicted to our phones, it's the reality. But if you look into the lives of those who create the most things, the most meaningful things, they are very conscious of the time they spent online. It doesn't mean they don't have any social media accounts. Most of them actually do, but they use their phones very consciously. They know exactly when they should be working.
And when they can be refreshing their Instagram feed, wasting mornings, doing meaningless activities is something that high performance avoid at any cost. And these people the high performers or the high achievers represents a very small percentage of the population. And they are high achievers because they spend most of their time doing creative work that are really meaningful, that is really meaningful for Have them and so they are making progress and they are being successful, whatever that means for you. And so if we want to belong to that small percentage of high achievers, we have to do exactly what they are doing, you can be sure that one of their most important habits is to stay focused, when they should be working, or when they are writing when they are creating something, they are 100% focused on that task. And so if they are creating a business plan, they are creating a business plan.
And if they are talking on their phones, they are talking on their phones, they do one thing at a time because they understand the power of focusing This is exactly what being focused mean. It's about being conscious about what I'm doing right now and how I'm putting energy into that activity. And as important as this it's important to focus on the right things. And so it's about setting intentions and having goals that really excite you and motivate you and then execute On those goals first thing in the morning, Robin Sharma is a personal development author, and he developed this rule called the 1991. And so it consists on for the next 90 days, you are going to dedicate the first 90 minutes of your day to one single task. And that single task should be that one task that will help you to achieve the most important goal you have right now.
I can't state the importance of this role because it's all about focusing and focusing on the right thing. Because focusing is about doing the things that will move the needle, in our business, in our career, you know, help in our relationships, anything in any area of your life, but you should be able to focus on the right things on any of those areas. By applying this role, you are going to make huge progress not only because you are dedicating 90 minutes of your day Every day to that important project or goal, but because you're dedicating the first 90 minutes of your day, and the first 90 minutes of your day usually means you are with more focus, energy, attention, willpower, and many other things. The most successful people don't have those many things going on. They are not constantly being pulled or interrupted. They understand the importance of being alone.
And so most of them use their mornings to focus on the most important things on their businesses, or projects or career. And later, they focus their attention on other things that still have to get done, but they are not so important. After all. Ideally, we would only execute the things that make us feel joy alive and motivated. But we both know that we still have to take the trash. So in the real world, we have to make the decision to dedicate most devour time, to those activities that will really give us the joy and the pleasure of going through the process of achieving our goals.
You can be really smart and have a lot of focus and energy. But if you are focusing on the wrong things, you are not going to make progress every day. If you spend a lot of hours watching TV, you are missing an opportunity to create a better life for yourself. Because if you dedicated those TV hours to learn a new skill, you would probably be much better financially right now. So during this class, you will learn how to focus, but I want you to understand the importance of focusing, because that's how you're going to apply these practices, if they don't mean anything to you. If focusing doesn't sound really interesting nor important, you're probably not going to apply any of this.
So make sure you understand that focusing is a requirement to achieve any of your goals. Make sure you spend time wisely on activities that will make you grow and progress on your career. Because when you're checking in all the time you're checking out of your real life. And so when you make the conscious decision to focus on the right things, you will not only going to achieve more, but you will also going to feel better to feel more successful to feel happier, and there's no greater feeling than that one. In the next video, we're going to be a little bit more practical which will help you to start focusing once and for all