As we discussed the definition of effectiveness, the we takes care of utilization efficiency as well as the quality output. So, the uniqueness of a metric case it is one of the best holistic metrics in operation excellence measure for vision simple, it is very simple is very consistent and it is a proven way of measuring the effectiveness of any equipment, manufacturing and plant. No other measurement covers all aspects of organizational factors. This one measurement covers everything if we talk about the PlayStation VR Separate measure that talks about only a transition aspect. We didn't talk about anything on efficiency or quality aspect. But let us say we he talks about everything within campuses, all the factors like utilization, efficiency and quality and it is very simple to understand as well and it is very consistent.
Now, the next question is that to apply this UI metric, look at this chain, it consists of so many links only measure the strength of this chain. The strength of the chain depends on the weakest link. Similarly, in the organization, the army assistant depends on the weakest function our weakest area or weakest a coupon or weakest line, whatever it may be. So, there ever there is a critical area or wherever there is a constraint area which is affecting the organizational strength which is affecting the organization profitability, there we can apply that we metric in any critical area, it could be in equipment, it could be manufacturing then it could be plant any critical area we can apply them we The idea is critical facility determines the war on profitability or strength of the organization. If we apply this only in a critical mission, if we start monitoring if we start improving the we need critical mission or critical manufacturing line or critical plant obviously, it will improve the world profitability of the organization so we can be applied in a critical facility, line or plant