Now, I will take you through the implementation steps in UI program any organization if it wants to implement UI improvement, it has to follow some process the first and foremost step is identify the critical facility or equipment or a manufacturing line where you want to implement the we measurement, why this tip is required practically it is not advisable to administer, we program in all the machines or all the manufacturing lines is very difficult even in fact it is very difficult to administer. And second point is the critical machine is something which is affecting the throughput of the plant of just about affecting the productivity or which is affecting the profitability of the organization, the critical facility alone us to improve if that is the case, we need to identify the critical facility or equipment first in that area only we are going to implement the UI measurement.
So, the first and foremost service identify the critical facilities having identified this the second step would be roughly estimate and understand the current UI level what is the step is required before initiating any improvement team should ever know where they are, that will give clarity all four they can go ahead on the continuous improvement journey and what they have to do to make it happen. So to get the clarity the team should ever where they are further, we need to roughly estimate the current level of we the estimation can be done in two ways. One ways, depending on the historical data, by your experience, you can say what piece of UI level If you don't have the data, it is better to take one or two weeks actual measurement in the critical facility and then set the base as a current level UI whatever the method you choose estimating and understanding the current level we is very important having identify the critical facility and roughly estimated the current UI level The next step is collect shift ways or database data for a specific period of time, why this step is required, why we are mentioning about the shift twice, because in some organization they used to operate second shift and even third shift also, if there is a case it is advisable to collect the data across all the shifts, this will give you clarity, is there any abnormal t across the shift and it will help us to calibrate our data across the shifts.
So, it is better if you have multiple shifts you collect the data in multiple ships for a specific period of time in we are saying specific period of time minimum two to three weeks is required to get some pattern of losses from our experience, if we collect the data for two to three weeks, you will get some pattern of classes. So, there is a minimum time you will get unbiased last pattern. So, the next step is identify the losses in each category and classify. As we discussed earlier, we compresses three elements onus utilization factor or category or performance category and third one is quality category. In each category, identify the losses it depends upon your operation industry identify the losses, but for example, under the attestation category, you may have the losses like machine breakdown operator not available material is not Available changeover like that. So, identify the losses and then classify them after that period as the losses, what do you mean by periodization the losses, because in reality we cannot take action across all the law says it is not viable.
So, it is better to go by a Pareto principle. So, you prepare it is the law says, from our experience, if you take top three or top five losses in each category, that itself will cover 80 90% of your entire losses. So, you prioritize the losses in each category. Once you prioritize the losses, then choose the right lean tool for elimination or reduction of losses. For example, suppose one of the losses could be changeover. So, you can choose the right lean tool as SME for reducing the change or loss.
Suppose, for example, You're having more losses on Equipment Breakdown probably you can choose ppm or preventive maintenance practices as a solution approach our tool to eliminate or reducing the main breakdown losses. So, likewise for each losses, there are some set of tools, choose the right tool for elimination or reduction of losses. The next step is apply the tool implement the solution and start tracking the weight trend and loss reduction trend again, it is a continuous activity, continuous PDCA activity these are the typical steps we used to follow in most of the organization and it delivers a set as well. So these are the important steps in implementing UI improvement in any industry or organization. So broadly take these steps and implement we program in our organization.