Hello, welcome to the fourth tutorial in the c++ programming series. And we're gonna be looking at data types long actually be doing any coding. In this tutorial, we'll be looking at a stuff and we'll just be explaining it within a low tech sector. So data types. data types are the type of sort of like, not difficult to explain, but it's sort of weird. It is the type of data that it is.
So for example, you have integers, which are whole numbers, because this is a data type. And you have a specific data type name for these as well. So in code if you want to create a variable, that is an integer, you would use the keyword in. You have float, which is decimal numbers and in code if you want to create it, you The key word float. You have double, which is essentially a float but he has more accuracy than a float, aka more accuracy. Yeah fine.
More accuracy than a float aka more decimal places you probably won't be you probably won't even do all that much pro float more than anything. You have Boolean which is the Boolean Boolean, true or false one or zero on or off Have you look at it, see what one of two states and in code if you want to create a variable is bool. Then you also have char, which is character and which is basically just a single character. So, A, B, C, also if you have a capital A compared to a locate a is essentially different. So if you were to do a comparison between maybe three variables, one as the uppercase a one has a lowercase a, in general, just a simple comparison will come up as folks because they are different. And to declare a keyword with this main variable with this use a keyword char, those are number one chord string, but we're not really going to be covering it because we're going to have a separate tutorial for that as that actually has its own header as well.
So it's a little more complex than some of the if that's it for this tutorial is for data types. In the next tutorial, we'll be looking at variables if you have any questions feel free to message us at support at sono system coder, UK. The email will be in the description you can comment on this video or historically messages via YouTube, whatever you feel comfortable With and as usual, thanks for watching and I hope you have a nice day.