Hey everybody, Skylar Dean here, founder of early risers where we teach you how to build habits to increase your happiness when each day and create a life that you're proud of. And I am just so excited that you are here in this video right now with me. I'm so happy that you're sticking with these videos. I hope you're learning a lot. I hope you're enjoying the process. And I hope you're ready for another awesome video.
Now in this video, we're going to be going over morning routines. And hopefully by the end of this, you're going to be able to create your perfect morning. Now, creating a morning routine isn't easy. Creating a morning routine isn't something you're going to get on the first try. But it's a learning experience. In this video, we're going to get the basic structure of what you're really expecting out of your morning routine.
You know why you should be doing those things. And then hopefully, by the end, you know, you can go throughout the process. You can tweak things, you can switch things up, add things, delete things, and learn exactly what your perfect morning is. Now, let me ask you a question. Have you ever found that when you wake up up in the morning, you are just moving in slow motion. You know, maybe you wake up and you say that you want to be super productive with something and you find that an hour, two hours passes, and you just can't seem to get moving.
Or maybe you find that you just don't even have any structure in the morning and you wake up and your first destination of the day is to just rush off and do something for someone else. And if you answered yes to either of those questions, I'm with you. I've done both of those. You know, I've had times where I just have had no structure, and I hit snooze a bunch, and I just rush off to my first destination. And in reality, you know, this entire process is not easy. In reality, I had to learn a lot throughout the process.
But because of this, I was able to experience a lot of these different things and I was able to learn, okay, why do we do certain things that we do in the morning? What's so important about them? Why do we actually do that? And if you need a reminder of that, go back to the video five benefits of being an early riser, creating that morning routine. If you need more, you know, the main reason I say is we wake up early to set ourselves up for a successful day. Because if we have that morning routine and that anchor, it allows us to really prime ourselves for the rest of the day to be more energetic, more excited, and just a more positive day in general.
So in the previous videos, you've heard a little bit about my story with morning routines about just hitting snooze a ton rushing off to my first destination, and really just not having any sort of structure. And thankfully, I read this book called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, which if you have not read it, I'd recommend you read it. And that really showed me the true power of the morning routine. And I really think if you're looking for some inspiration, you should look into his story. Look into you know, what he was able to accomplish from waking up early. And in short, it was just able to completely change his life.
It was able to get him back, his health, his happiness, and really just make him a much better person. And so I read this book, and I was pretty excited. Because all I've been doing in the morning was just working out. I was like, wait, what if I made time for other things? What if I could be more consistent with meditating? What if I could be more consistent with reading or with, you know, breathing exercises or doing my gratitude exercises.
And when I realized this, I was kind of shocked. I was like, Okay, this, there's something here. And I started to build this routine, I started trying these different things out, I got my panda planner for my gratitude exercise and to keep track of everything I was doing. And overall, you know, I just noticed some amazing changes in a pretty short period of time. So as you hopefully know, by now, my routine might not and probably won't work for you. And when it comes to creating your perfect morning, it's all about you.
So in this video, I'm going to be giving you some guidelines. I'm going to be giving you the things you need to be doing in the morning. And then I'm going to be giving you some things I think you really should be doing in the morning and by the end of this video, you You have that time to workshop to build that morning routine. And then in the next video, we're going to talk about actually making that transition. Now, when it comes to the morning routine, I think there are five things that you really need to be doing in the morning. And of course, yes, these are optional.
Technically, you don't have to do any of this. But if you really want to crush in the morning, and you really want to succeed, these five are completely crucial. So the first one of these five things is to head to the kitchen as soon as you wake up and drink a full glass of water. Now, why do we do this? After a long night sleep, our body is dehydrated. It's been repairing or storing, it's been using up a lot of its resources.
And if we immediately had to the kitchen and just down a glass of water, we get something called an inner back. One, it rehydrates our body in our brain which is going to help us be mentally more alert very quickly. So in the early stages, when you're tired, that's going to give you a little boost, you're going to feel a little more alert pretty quickly and then also helps kind of clean your organs and clean inside. It's called an inner bath, which I really like. And you're drinking that out. And you know, pretty soon you might even have a bowel movement after that, because you're helping really flush out all the toxins, everything that's kind of stuck in there.
And my morning glass of water has been probably the biggest game changer in my morning routine. I think I've had so many times where I'm just exhausted, and I drink that glass of water and I'm there, I'm ready, I'm ready to go. And if you aren't doing this right now, I really recommend you do. Now if you are a super tired person and you struggle getting out of bed, leave that glass of water by your bed and as soon as you roll over in the morning and wake up, chug that, get it down your system, start feeling a little more alert, kind of notice how your body reacts to it. And that's going to be a huge game changer and your morning energy levels. The second thing that you need to be doing when you wake up if you remember in the nighttime routine video, we mentioned that you put your clothes out at night.
So all you got to do when you wake up is change. Those close, we're helping build that association between Okay, I'm awake, it's time to start moving. Because if you wake up and you kind of hang out in the clothes you slept in, if you hang out in your pajamas or your boxers or your T shirt or whatever you're wearing, you're kind of ready to go back to bed. Kind of haven't technically started your day. And if you really want to feel ready, and if you really want to feel like it's time to get moving, and you want your body and your mind to make that comparison, change into those new clothes right when you get up. So the night before put those clothes out.
When you wake up, get that glass of water, then changing those clothes. If you want to flip flop you can flip flop as well. The third thing that you need in your morning routine is structure. Now this is non negotiable. If you really want to create something that anchors you for a successful day that Prime's you. You need to have some form of structure you need to be doing the same things every single day.
Now when you first start, maybe you don't have much structure, you know you're still trying things out one day you're exercising before you journal the next day you're swapping those. This is all about testing until you've found that morning routine. And when you do you keep that structured. So you do the same exact things in a row every single morning. And that's what's going to help you get in the actual routine. Because if you're constantly swapping things, you're going to be thinking, Okay, now I got to do this.
What did I not do? Okay, I got to do that. Right here. I forgot this. Oh, let me go back to that. With that structure, you can really get in the zone and things can start to speed up.
The difference between when I started my morning routine versus now the morning routine probably takes like 20 minutes less because I'm just so in the zone just next to the next to the next to the next. And being able to do that and get in that routine is so important for longevity and for the actual major benefits of the morning routine. So always make sure you have some structure. The fourth thing that you need and this is probably one of the most important As well, probably going to say that for every single bullet point, but you need accountability, especially when you are starting, you can't do this stuff on your own. You're gonna have days where you're tired. And in that mind state, you're going to say to yourself, okay, it's time to go back to bed.
That one, I'm tired, I'm going to stay in bed, I'm going to hit snooze. But if you have that accountability, that's really going to force you to make this routine. When I started, I was working with a business partner on this venture. And we would have facetimes every morning at 430. And I was not a morning person and I was exhausted. But because I knew that I had a FaceTime coming up, I couldn't sleep in I couldn't go back to bed.
So I pulled myself out of bed and I sat down that FaceTime, for the first few weeks, probably even the first few months, didn't even want to talk. I was aggravated. I spit out whatever words I could, but I was up and over time with that schedule and with being able to push myself a little more every single morning. That's how I became adjusted. And that's how I really got that energy. So in this video, I want to actually give you a couple of options of what you can do for accountability.
And the first and the strongest is going to be finding an actual buddy. And you know, this is reaching out to someone you know, and you say, hey, do you want to start waking up to this time? Do you want to start crushing it in the morning, you can show them this course I'm fine with that. I really just want to get this out there. motivate them, inspire them to do the same. inspire them to wake up.
And you can do a morning text just Hey, man, I'm up at it, Hey, girl up at it. Or you can do a morning FaceTime or call. And whatever this is doing, whatever you're choosing to do, is really going to help bring you that motivation in the morning because you're gonna feel more obligated than if it was just left up to yourself. Another option that you can do is use social media. And you can just tell your followers you know, for the next 30 days, I'm doing this morning routine every single day and I'm going to be waking up at this time. And then when you wake up, post a story post a picture.
Posted status, whatever you're posting, just stay motivated. And on the days you're tired again, that accountability comes in, I told him I was gonna do this, can't let them down, I can't come across as a liar. I got to get up. And it's leveraging how you feel and leveraging other people to really help you push yourself to that next level. The third technique that you can use is more self accountability, and it's something called the red X method. This is something that I believe Jerry Seinfeld uses.
What he does is he puts a calendar up on his wall, and he has a goal of Okay, how many days in a row I'm going to do X, every single day passes that he does that he marked a red X on that calendar. And so Monday goes by he does it x Tuesday goes by he does it x. What this does is first of all, it gets you motivated because you physically see that streak. Okay, I've woken up early for seven days in a row and it also helps you not want to break the streak. You know, if you're at a 10 base streak and you can see it, you're like, you know, I don't want to mess this, I don't want to miss this at all. And it's also a good log in general, it's a log of, Okay, this day I missed why.
And then you can kind of self analyze. So the red X method is another great opportunity. Another form of accountability that you can use is just telling other people in general, you know, maybe you can't find someone online or in person who has the same goals as you and who wants to wake up early. But if you just tell them like, hey, over the next few weeks, I'm going to be waking up early, you're going to feel more motivated. When I was working my full time job, I would tell people, hey, I, I wake up pretty early, like I'm usually two or three hours into the day before I get into work. And without even telling them to do so.
Most days, at least one coworker would ask me Hey, what time do you wake up today? I'd say, you know, 345 4am 430 whatever it was, and that would again tried me when I woke up. It's like, I want to go back to bed. But what if they asked me today What time I woke up? Do I really want to say, you know, I slept in today? Or do I want to just be feeling good about saying no, I woke up at 430 this morning, or feeling good about saying, No, I had a 30 minute morning routine this morning and I stuck with it.
So tell people tell people about what you're planning to do. Even if you're sleeping in and you're waking up at 10am. And you decide you're going to wake up at 930 tell people because they're going to be asking you, they're going to check in on you if you tell the right people. That's another powerful way to really leverage that accountability in your life. And then the fifth type of accountability that you can use, and one of my personal favorites, actually is called negative motivation. Now all the other ones were kind of positive motivations.
It's it's you wanted to accomplish these things, you had a reason to accomplish these things. Negative motivation is the opposite. Negative motivation is saying, you know, what will happen to me if I don't do this? So there's three types of negative motivation. The first type is Social embarrassment. So I guess before I dive into that, I should say that when it comes to negative motivation, you need an accountability buddy, you need someone to just tell your goals.
And you set these conditions. And you set these conditions up of if I do this, I do this or if I do this, I don't have to do this. Or if I don't do this, I have to do this and so on. And you set a consequence for if you break that rule. So the first type is social embarrassment. So if you say, Okay, this entire week, I'm going to wake up at 7am.
And I'm going to do my morning routine. And if I don't, you can hold me to this. I will go in a coffee shop, I will stand up on a chair and I will sing the national national anthem. If you're an introvert or if you're a shy person or if that scares you. You're gonna want to get up every single morning and do that routine, because there's no way you're going to put yourself through that social embarrassment. You can really get creative with these with all of these.
It's an opportunity to set these rules that scare you that Say you that really push you to continue with that consistency. So social embarrassment asking a girl out, you know, if you're not good at that, hey, I'm just gonna go up to random girl and just randomly ask her if we can go out or if I've never number, or going to the grocery store and just doing cartwheels through the aisle. You know, I don't I don't really know. But you can get creative with this stuff. And whenever you're doing these things, make sure you pick something that you actually care about. Because if I'm a total extrovert, and I love making a scene in public, and I say, you know, if I don't wake up early tomorrow, I will stand in the middle of the grocery store and sing a song.
When I wake up early, and I'm tired. It's like, I don't care. That doesn't bother me. I'll go back to bed and I'll just sing the song. So make sure it's something you're passionate about. Make sure when it comes to social embarrassment, it's something that you would really get embarrassed about, you really don't want to do.
The second type of negative motivation is task obligation. This is basically okay. If I don't do X, I have to do so. thing to do why. So for example, if I don't wake up early and do my morning routine, I have to mow my neighbor's lawn. I don't wake up early and do my morning routine, I have to do my roommates laundry for the next month.
I don't wake up early and do my morning routine, I have to go and clean up the highway on the weekend. Again, it's something that you don't want to do. But it's pushing you when you wake up to say, Okay, if I don't do this, I have to do that. And I really don't want to do that. So I'm going to do this. And it's creating this system that will really, really, really push you to be motivated when you wake up.
And these third type of negative motivation is personal deprivation. And that's basically the opposite of task obligation. And that's saying, Okay, if I don't do this, I do not get to do this. So say you come home every night and you have a glass of wine. And you say, Okay, if I don't wake up early for my morning routine, The next week, I'm not gonna have a single glass of wine. Or if you're addicted to video games, and you play video games every single night, if I don't wake up early and do my morning routine, for every time I miss, I'm gonna give up three days of video games.
Or you can even make it money. If you say, you know, if I don't wake up and do my morning routine, I'm gonna give up $10 a month, I'm gonna give it to my friend or I'm gonna give it to a charity that I don't support I don't care about you put yourself in these situations, and you motivate yourself based on things that you do not want to do. That's the basis of it. If you don't want to spend money, put money on the line. If you don't want to put yourself out there. Make sure you set an obligation that's super embarrassing.
And the key here is finding that accountability partner that will hold you accountable. Because say you go to your friend, you know if I don't wake up early and do my morning routine, I'll pay you $100 that day comes by you don't do it. And your friends like you know I don't want to take your money. Just start over. Just do it next time. You get a pass, that's not helping you, that's hurting you.
And as good as intention as your accountability partner may have the ideas being as strict as possible when you set these guidelines, you are going to follow through or else. So all summed up. The fourth thing that you need every single morning is some form of accountability. Now the fifth thing that you need and the last thing that I say you really, really need is something to get you excited for the day. Now, when you first start waking up, you're not going to be excited because you are tired, you know, you're not really ready for the day you'd rather sleep in. But if you include something in your morning routine as a reward, and as something that gets you excited about getting up and getting moving, that's gonna motivate you even more.
So say you love food, you love breakfast, and normally wake up and you don't really have the time to cook breakfast. Getting that morning routine in allowing yourself a little extra time and then in that time slot, making a very delicious breakfast, when you wake up, you bring your mind to that, okay, I want that breakfast. I really want these, you know, these, this bacon and this eggs and this fruit bowl and all that. Now the key here because there can be a lot of things that get you excited. The key is making sure that it's benefiting you. You know, if you have Okay, my morning routine is going to be rewarded by a breakfast of doughnuts.
That's not good. And as excited as it may get you, it's not going to help you in the process and progress of your health and happiness. So make sure you kind of dig deep right now, you know, do some brainstorming on the worksheet of what really gets me excited what what gets me going, what can I wake up and bring my attention to and really be ready for. So you wake up, you have to have that glass of water, you have to change into your new clothes. You have to have some sort of structure, some sort of accountability, and you also have to have something that gets you excited. Now I want to move on into the recommend mended section.
Now this is strongly recommended, this is something that I really think you should build up to. Because when you're starting and when you're when you're making that transition again, you don't want to have the two hour long morning routine right away, you want to work up to. So if you really want to build your perfect morning and you really want to have that end goal in mind, there are five things that I think you should do. First thing is making your bed. Now there's a very powerful speech out there by someone named Admiral William mcraven, who is a I believe, former Navy SEAL commander. He's involved with the navy seals in some way.
And he is amazing. His speech was awesome that he gave and he wrote a book on it called make your bed. And the whole idea is by starting your day off with a tiny accomplishment, no matter how small it is. It's going to snowball to the rest of your day. And if you wake up and you make your bed you can't get back into into it. First of all, you can't go back to bed because made but also it's Helping set you up for that accomplishment.
And when you come home at the end of the day, and you see that beautiful bed made, it feels good. And I can tell you that firsthand because I used to never ever make my bed after I move out of my parents, you know, I was always kind of made to make my bed then sometimes they would make it for me. And then I went to college, and it was just like, I can sleep my covers off, what's the big deal. But putting that into my morning routine and making it part of my schedule has been so helpful in ways I can't even explain. It's just that feeling of accomplishment, you know, a task. That's no matter how simple, I'm still pushing myself to do it and building that discipline in other areas of my life.
So really, if you can definitely start making your bed. The second thing I can recommend is to get some sort of movement and now I'm not saying you have to go to the gym and exercise for an hour and a half every single day. All I'm saying is that for every morning you wake up and do your morning routine. Get something in Even if it's just 30, jumping jacks, even if it's 20 push ups, even if it's just five minutes of yoga or a 10 minute walk, just get some sort of movement. Exercise has so many benefits for in the morning. It really helps regulate your hormones that helps you sleep better.
It helps you be more energetic throughout the day, it sets you up for those endorphins at the very beginning of your day. And it's a great way to start your day. I don't want to dive too into the benefits. But if you really want on, I can put some articles down there, down there, I guess down below, to, to link to end just show how important exercise and movement can really be. So if you can try to include that in your morning routine in some shape or form. The third thing I'd really recommend is including some sort of gratitude in your morning.
Now gratitude is basically exercise for the mind. It is a chance to really help acknowledge the things that are going good in your life. I feel like there's a wave in our society today of just negativity of people who kind of always pick out the bad and situations. And what's cool about gratitude is it helps build that muscle for you to gravitate towards the good in situations. So say you practice, you're practicing gratitude for a year, or however long and you build that muscle. One person may walk into the kitchen, see that there's a school of dishes and they say, I gotta do all these dishes.
Someone else may walk into the kitchen and say, You know what, this these dishes are a blessing, I have plates to eat on, I have food to eat. And I'm blessed to live in a place that has running water. That's the kind of mindset that we want to build if you really want to be successful and happy. And practicing gratitude in the morning is such a good way to really build that muscle. Now, there are a couple of different ways to do this. I would recommend just writing down one thing that you're grateful for, and writing down why you're grateful for it and actually writing it down physically, not just things about it, I'm sure that does something but writing it down helps you dwell on that thought helps you really dwell on it in the present moment.
So just write down every morning you know, get a journal or a notepad or get a panda planner that has it on the top and just say, Okay, what am I grateful for this morning? I'm grateful I'm alive. Or, you know, I'm grateful I'm alive. Because I've been given all these opportunities, sir. I'm grateful that I slept in a bed last night because I know a lot of people don't have that ability. focus in on those gratitude exercises, and you're gonna feel so much better after.
It's really another great way to set you up in that positive peak mind seat, mind city, as soon as you wake up. The second exercise that you could probably do with gratitude. It has been proven not to be as effective, but it's definitely still good is to list out three things you're grateful for. So just list them out. You don't have to go into why because you know, up here why, but just taking the time to write those out. And you can pick one big thing, one small thing and one experience So one big thing I'm grateful that I have a house to live in, I'm grateful that I was able to wake up in a bed.
Grateful because a lot of people don't have that. And I can't even imagine life without it. small thing, I'm grateful for my cell phone. I'm grateful for the winds going through my hair when I go on a run. I'm grateful for the birds singing outside, and then experience you know, I'm grateful for the concert I went to last week, I'm grateful for being able to go to a restaurant with my friends. And just picking out these gratitude moments that can really set you up for that successful day.
And this is super, super powerful. So gratitude in some way, shape, or form. If you can in the morning, definitely, definitely utilize that. The fourth thing that you can really do in the morning I really recommend is some form of mindfulness. Now, if you don't know what mindfulness is, it basically means you're not thinking about the past, what happened. You're not thinking about what's going to happen in the future.
You're just in the present moment. So the most popular Mindfulness exercise out there is meditation. I'm sure you've heard one or two things about meditation. But if you haven't, it's just sitting there. And it's just bringing yourself to the present moment and feeling all of the stimuli on your legs, on your body on your upper body, your neck, your arms, just feeling that breathing, bring your attention to your breath, and really just staying in the moment. And when your mind wanders, like it inevitably will, you just don't, you don't get angry.
That's a part of life. You just bring your breath back, bring your attention back. And this isn't about being perfect. This isn't about sitting still for 10 2030 minutes with nothing going on in your mind. This is a practice a practice of Okay, I'm noticing that I'm thinking about something else. Now.
Just let me just calmly bring it back. If you need help meditation, or if you want another kind of resource for where you can go with mindfulness, check out the app headspace It is they have a couple free otherwise it's subscription based, but the free is a great start. They just teach you how to meditate to really resourceful. And there are a million benefits to meditation that I really probably can't even get into in this video because it would take so long, but it really helps reduce your stress, reduce your anxiety helps you be more clear headed, a ton of other awesome things. So you want to look into that. Definitely, definitely do so.
And then finally, the fifth thing that I would recommend when it comes to morning routines, is getting some type of learning and now this is something that I do not personally do in my morning routine. I do that more my nighttime routine. But if you're in the you know the place in your life where you're really busy, and you go off to work and you want to make time to learn for things. include some of that in your morning routine, you know, read 10 pages of a book or do some research online, read some articles or something along those lines. And when you build this morning routine This is gonna help you personally develop in a mental sense. So it's really up to you to include that learning if that's something that sparks your interest.
So those are the five things that I would recommend you do. And I really urge you to do. Now, before we kind of wrap up the video, I want to kind of go over some most common mistakes. And when I see people making these morning routines, or doing these morning routines, I do see a good amount of mistakes. And there's three that I want to talk about that are really important. So the first one I want to talk about is consistency.
Now when it comes to your consistency, and when it comes to starting off this morning routine, you need to make sure those first 30 days you're extremely consistent, because those are the days where you're really going to start to develop that habit. And if you're doing it one day and then you're skipping it another and then doing it and then skipping it, that's not going to benefit you in any way, shape or form. So it's really Really, really, really, really important that for those first 30 days, and after, really just for the longevity of your life, that you stay consistent. The second biggest mistake that I see is someone who is always changing their routine. It's like Monday, okay, I feel like going to the gym first. So I'm going to go to the gym, Tuesday, you know, I'm gonna wait 30 minutes to go to the gym.
I'll do my meditation and my journaling now. And they're swapping things, and they're not staying consistent within the structure. So yes, for the first first few weeks, you are going to be trying things out, you're going to be switching things you're going to figure you know, I don't like doing this. I do like doing this. But when you finalize that routine, and when you've created your perfect morning, you need to stick with it. Need to create that consistency.
And then the third and final and probably the most important thing is throughout this process, you really don't want to be using your cell phone logging onto your phone as soon as you wake up is extremely bad for your mental health, because it's making other people a priority. It's saying, okay, I want to see all these notifications so I can get these hits dopamine, so I can feel good. Let me check it out. Let me put these people first. And this does no good for your stress for your happiness. This doesn't really do any good for your life.
And if you really want to enjoy the mornings, if you really want to learn to love them, it needs to be you time it needs to be all about you. And it may be weird the first few times it may be stressful not being able to look at your phone. But if you're waking up earlier, you're used to not being on your phone at that time because you're asleep. So when you're setting your clock back, you're literally not changing the amount of time that you're on your phone. It's just the amount of time that you're awake. And if you can really, really learn and just really practice the self discipline and the self care To put that phone away and to not look at it, not turn it off airplane mode until you're done with your morning routine.
That is when you will see the most benefits. And that's probably one of the most important things, you know, you can go through your morning routine. But if you're constantly checking your phone, you're not going to have the benefits than if you were to just completely be zoned in in the moment and enjoying the process. So don't do those common mistakes I'm urging you really write those down, commit those to memory and don't do them. Now, before we wrap up this video, I know it's a longer one. I just wanted to give you a quick peek into my morning routine.
So basically I will wake up anywhere between four and 530 in the morning. my morning routine is about an hour right now. I did recently change it again I added something and I've been sticking to that for a couple weeks now. And it seems like it's working. It seems like it's gonna be there stay by wake up and I immediately get my glass of water. I immediately change it in my clothes.
Then I walk over to my desk and I will do my Gratitude exercise, and I will write down Okay, what am I grateful for, then after that I will move into these affirmations that I have. And basically, it's a statement to come up to kind of remind me to set my intentions for the day of how I want to act, what I want to accomplish, who I want to become. And I dwell on that stuff for about 30 minutes and I have this two page paper that I've written out about all my attentions, and I will read that and then once those 30 minutes is up, I will move into my meditation. I'll meditate for about 10 minutes, basically, just bring my attention to my breath. Sometimes I will concentrate on different things during the meditation. So there's different types.
So there's, you know, being able to relax the body, which is where I'll do a body scan. I'll start from the bottom, relax the feet, relax the shins, relax the quads, and so on. And after those 10 minutes are up, I will make my bed. I will finish making my bed and then I move into my movements. And that will either be going to the gym, going for a run, taking a walk, doing Light stretching, just getting my movement in in some shape or form. So I hope that helps in some way.
But now it is time to actually work. Now it's time to put in the work to pause the video to start creating and brainstorming that morning routine. Basically, what I want you to do is list out on the worksheet, everything that you want to do in the morning. And if you think you're being too ambitious, maybe take a step back. And if you think you're not being ambitious enough, push yourself a little bit blissed out everything you want to do. And then based on what would make sense for you, and what kind of feels right order those things.
You know, estimate how much time they'll make estimate what time you'd have to wake up in order to be done by the time that you normally getting up and create that morning routine to really, really anchor you and prime you for a successful day. What I want you to do now that you've watched this video, and by the way, thank you for making it through this video. This is awesome. But what I want you to do is I want you to comment Hello. Once you brainstorm that morning routine let me know. You know what time do you plan on waking up?
What do you want to get done? What is your goal in doing these things, put this routine down below I will be getting back to you. It's super exciting. I'm super just hyped about this entire journey and process. I'm wishing you the best. Before you actually dive into that if you're as excited as I was at the beginning, just wait till the next video just get through that next video understand the process of making the transition, and then you can get after it.
But with all that being said, I appreciate you if you have any questions or anything of course, comment below. Don't be afraid to reach out to me on Instagram at early Rogers movement on my website, wherever you can find me. But thank you so much. Keep killing it as always, and I'll talk to you next time.