Hello, it's Rob here coming at you from Kosta Murray in Thailand. Now Thank you, and congratulations for reaching the end of the course. And I really hope you enjoyed it. I hope you got loads of ideas of info products you can create, and maybe you're already creating them and earning passive income. But we want to get you to that next level. And in order to get started or to get you going to the next level, then I just want to leave you with two thoughts.
First of all, consistency, consistency is the key to content creation above all else, so you want to be consistently putting out content for your website or blog or maybe for YouTube, but you also need to be consistently creating info products. And don't forget, you need to consistently email your email list as well. But it's the consistency with creating info products that's most important, because you won't create the best product first time hours. And it's essential that you don't spend too long on the first one. That's the mistake everyone makes. Because the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc, is going to be so much better, you're going to create them better, and you're going to learn how to market them.
You're going to create better titles, and better subjects for the info products, the more you learn about your audience going forward. So consistency is hugely important, I think, with online marketing in general. Now, the second point I have for you is happiness. So don't forget to enjoy yourself. Make sure you're enjoy creating the products. Make sure you enjoy creating content.
You even should enjoy the marketing side of things and getting feedback from your audience, the audience research. If you're not enjoying any of these, then I would advise you to pick something that you are enjoying doing a little bit more, because I don't think people will enjoy your products if you didn't enjoy creating them. So, consistency and don't forget to have fun. My name is Rob from Rob carbon calm goodbye.