Hello, this is Rob here from Rob coven.com. And this video is about what you're going to create your video course on what is the content, the subject matter of the video courses that you're going to make and earn passive income from. So this just comes in as an extension for what I always talk about, which is blogging and creating free content on a website, which is so valuable anyway, because you get feedback from it. Some blog posts do better than others. Some blog posts are shared more than others. Some blog posts are commented more than others.
Why? Because those are more valuable to the audience than the others. So look at the ones that do well, and this gives you an idea for content of your video courses. As a blogger, you are an authority figure. If you've just been blogging for a few months, you still have authority People will interact with you, and they will ask questions of you. This is, again, great market research.
If you're getting asked the same question over and over again, then it's a good chance that our course will do very well on that question. The more you blog, the more you'll see these trends emerging. So in your life generally, what are people asking questions about? What is the pain that people have? Can you solve it in a course? Can you give benefit in a course?
Secondly, what's your experience? And if you've done a job and you've done a job, well, can you make a course on it? If you've made money, can you make a course on it and show people how to make money that way, these are very good topics for courses because people will spend money on courses if they think they'll earn more money as a result of taking them and it's nice to show evidence of this experience. So if I create a course how to earn $5,000 a month passive income, I'm going to show people I actually earn more than that. And I'm going to show every step of the way that this is passive profit. It's not just revenue, the costs are low, the profit is up, the revenue is high, and I earn this money, I'm not lying.
So make sure you can back up your experience with real world facts about what you've created. Now, these aren't set in stone, you can create courses that you have little experience in. I'm just saying it's nice to have experience in something that maybe goes without saying same with career skills. It doesn't have to be career skills. It doesn't have to be a career orientated course, or even an entrepreneurial orientated course it can be a soft skill, like management, but career skills and skills that make money on the marketplace will do better in courses, but not always. As long as you're solving a pain of a particular audience and providing benefits and value then That course will sell.
And don't forget to have fun. Make sure you enjoy teaching the subjects as well. I think that's very important. So talking about benefit and value Have a look at these two titles, titles of courses, and which one do you think would do better? improve your YouTube channel or YouTube secrets how I make $2,000 a month and no filming? Well, of course, it's the second one.
It provides a tangible benefit to thousand dollars a month a proven benefit and no filming suggests that it's not too technical and maybe quite easy to follow. And secrets is another good word. So you can see there's a benefit to the customer in that title and in that course, so always think of the benefit and the value you're providing. Again, don't forget to have fun. My name is Rob from Rob carbon calm. I'll see you in the next video.