Searches in question format are going to be incredibly important for the future of SEO. It's estimated that by 2020, at least 50% of all searches will be made by voice. Although the majority of these will be local searches, whatever the niche of your website, you cannot afford to ignore this trend. Your sites must have questions in the text. And many sites now use questions as their h2 headings. Let's see how we do this.
One of my pages is in position five in Google search for the phrase, easy blues guitar progression. As I scroll down, you can see that a Google ask box printed questions that may help users in the search. This is intended to short circuit the need to scroll down and search. The result for my page also shows an ask box, which helps me to stand out and enhance the listing. Where does Google find them? At the bottom of this page, I introduced a nearly Frequently Asked Questions section, with answers appearing when you hover over the text with the mouse.
To make sure that the questions have the best possible chance to appear on Google search. I added schema markup for FAQ as follows. Add the question to the Name field and your answer in the answer field. And that's it. simply copying Paste additional sections as you add questions. So far, so good.
But where do the questions come from? You could make them up, but there's a better way. In this website called internet marketing ninjas, there is a tool specifically designed to provide information about featured snippets relevant to your site. Remember that a featured snippet is placed in position zero of Google search, and is highly prized. create a free account and log in. You can analyze three URLs for one domain for free once inside the dashboard into three URLs, and wait for the results when complete you will see it tabs, featured snippets.
People also ask, and Searches related to choosing the featured snippets tab, you can choose one of the URLs you entered. There's a lot of great information here. But I want to focus on people also ask. The list of questions that appear are taken directly from Google, and are graded for usage. I simply took the top 10 questions from my page and created a mini FAQ section. The ideal situation is to have the page also appearing as a featured snippet at the top of the page.
But this depends on the strength of the competition. In the next video, I'm going to talk about brand Building trust and authority and how we can improve this in the eyes of Google