This lecture might be a tough one for you. I've got a question. Who do you spend most of your time with? You have to wisely choose the people around you. Because chances are, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Yes, probably you've heard that before.
A lot of motivational speakers talk about that. I personally got JD from Jim Rohn. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. And we don't just talk about money here. We talk about a level of thinking a point of view. We're talking about values and habits.
In my culture, we've got the same show me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are. Maybe you've got a similar thing in English, but I'm sure you understand what I talk about. My mother always told me that she was really concerned about my friends when I was a kid. I always wanted to be in a company with the trouble guys, because it was funnier. Not long after I started going out with them, I started doing the same stupid things they did. While I was growing older, I changed several companies.
And my behavior changed as well is if I'm a different person, even though back then I didn't have a well established personality. Of course, I was heavily influenced by the people around me. And many people don't want to admit that fact. Many people don't realize that fact. The fact is, that what Jim Rohn said is true. And here is our task.
We need to be extremely picky when it comes to choosing people who we surround ourselves with. Of course, we need not be rude. Always act with respect to words. People. Now here's one of the keys to success. We must choose our friends wisely.
We must hang out with people who are encouraging, supportive and positive. We must avoid toxic people. We must hang out with people who start every day with love in their hearts and not with people who are grumpy and negative about life most of the time, because emotions are contagious. Emotions are contagious. You can have a positive personality smiley face, but if the five closest people around you are negative, it's a matter of time you develop negativity in yourself. If these five people complain all the time, it's a matter of time you start complaining as well.
You don't want that. I told you, this lecture was going to be tough for you. Because right now you might be thinking about your friends. You might be analyzing them. You might be seeing right now. Hey, john, he's a nice person, but he's really negative most of the time after a visit with him, I feel as if my energy is drained.
You can choose your friends, that's a good thing. But now it's getting harder. What if there is a negative person in your family? How would you cope with that since you know this life changing principle? The answer is quite simple. Indeed.
It is the word that takes the first place in the list of values of the most self actualized people in the world. The word is love. If some of your family members are negative most of the time, love them anyway. love them unconditionally. The fact they are negative doesn't make them bad people. If these family members are older, chances are you won't be able to change them easily.
In fact, it will would not be healthy to change them. That's who they are. If they don't believe or to believe that's okay. If they think you're not capable of doing something, that's okay. They think so, because they cannot do it themselves. They cannot see it, but don't share that with them.
So it's crucially important to recognize when negativity surround you, but don't let it flow into your mind and your heart attack will come in through your actions, you will show that you were right. And when the time comes, don't give them hard time. Don't be condescending and disrespectful. Don't say I told you you were wrong. Just let them be part of your success and love them. This is the best way to change negative people around you through your successful actions.
Thank you for watching.