Master Secret 4: Know that Murphy’s Law visits everyone.
Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go wrong with any given situation, it will.
However, if we live I this mindset every day, we’ll not only be hesitant to begin any new endeavor, but we’ll criticize when others do so as well. When Murphy rings the doorbell, don’t give him an opportunity to stay or he’ll make himself at home, sometimes for years. And if we allow someone like Murphy to integrate with our consciousness, he can stay part of you for years. He’ll form part of our consciousness that shapes our thoughts, dialogue, decisions, and then actions. You can see from this how each of us can very easily create any world for ourselves we want. We must learn to live outside this Law so it doesn’t affect our decision-making process if we hit a learning curve.
Here are 3 areas taken straight from my book that will enable us to live an inspired life on our own terms, not Murphy’s.