This is not another exercise or yoga class. This class is based on:
My signature lengthen and strengthen technique
My philosophy of preservation of childhood movements till we die however late
My philosophy of preservation of childhood range of motion till we die however late
My philosophy of gaining strength and other abilities like we did originally as babies and lost from non-use. My philosophy of using the motions of the 4-legged animals and monkeys, as a guide, as those are the motions for which our bones, skeletal structure, joints and ligaments, and muscles and tendons were originally formed.
It is 45 minutes duration and is fast-paced.
Release from liability document and other guidelines will be sent by another email. Please sign it before starting.
After my 50-plus years of experience in Medical Sciences in India, the U.K. and the U.S..A., and learning Yoga and other ancient sciences and constantly applying them in my own life, I have been successful at creating disease free, medicines and supplements free, pain-free, youthful body and an active lifestyle at age71. I can help anyone who...