Grammar Boot Camp.”Taught once a week, this 10 class/15-hour training program is a relaxed and fun, but very effective way for you to greatly enhance your knowledge of English grammar. You will increase your familiarity with, and understanding of many grammatical terms, and it will really boost your confidence as a Language Instructor or advanced English student. See you in class.
Grammar is a massive subject and can be very overwhelming. We are going to focus primarily on the fundamentals that you need to have a firm grip on as you begin to teach English. Also, it will be very helpful even if you just feel like you would like to brush up on what you have studied in the past, as a refresher.
It is not necessary to have taken our one-week TESOL course to join, but if you have – then you have already acquired lots of fantastic teaching methods and may have already started teaching. That is great. This will open up to you the areas that you can explore and do more research on as you continue to sharpen your skills.
For others, this may be just what you need to feel like you have all the tools necessary to get started. English Grammar is something that many teachers “learn as they go,” but there is a certain foundation level of knowledge that is needed to succeed. Imagine if you contracted a carpenter to do some work for you, and you know that he produces excellent work, but he says, “can you pass me that thing over there, I can never remember if it’s called a hammer or a screwdriver…” You already are a fluent English speaker, and you have learned some fantastic and very practical teaching methods, but now what is needed is also to learn the terminology, the “language” of English grammar.
So the next step is for you to feel confident with the standard “labels” and terminologies that are used to present and explain the various structures that are used in the English language. And we are here to help.
Let’s have a great time together as we “dive into” the fun and fantastic world of English Grammar. The next series of classes will start on Sunday, February 27, 2022; at 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Zoom, and will take place every Sunday until all 10 classes have been taught, and then the series will start again.
Feel free to contact us by email or send us a message on Instagram, and we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
It is not necessary to attend the classes in chronological order. You can come to class 2 even if you did not come to class 1, etc. The 10 class program will loop around again after we get to class 10. IMPORTANT- if you sign up for all 10 classes and pay $184.00 Canadian (about $144.00 US), it represents a savings of 2 free classes. Also, if you sign up for all 10 classes and have to miss one for some reason, you can catch that class with it comes around again in the series.
If you prefer to attend classes once in a while, that is okay too, and the signup page below is always available. The rate for one "drop-in" class is $23.00 Canadian (about $18.00 US).
For more information see our site: https://www.lexica.world/grammar-boot-camp