As a coach, I specialize in helping people, who have hearing challenges to fully enjoy life. My areas of expertise include: 1:1 coaching, lip reading instruction, consulting for businesses and individuals and lip reading interpretation when audio is unclear. My practice, “Hearing Challenge Coach,” was established in 2021 to provide coaching, consulting, and lip-reading interpretation for people with hearing impairment as well as those who work with them. A Lip Reading Instructor and Coach since 2014, I’ve taught lip reading to over 150 people using a syllabus and lessons that I created based on over two years of research. My students’ ages have ranged from 22 to 97. They’ve come as individuals, and from various places, such as clubs, organizations, assisted living facilities, and adult education centers. My classes have been sponsored by the local Hearing Loss Chapter and Fort Pierce Lions Club. Published Author, I created the “Treasure Coast Hearing Guide” to help people find the best resources and solutions to cope with their hearing loss. I continue to research and stay current on the organizations, services, and tools that are available